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Nguyen Thi Le Xuan 2014. Newspapers Television Radio.

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Presentation on theme: "Nguyen Thi Le Xuan 2014. Newspapers Television Radio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nguyen Thi Le Xuan 2014

2 Newspapers Television Radio

3 - Ancient Rome - They were carved in metal or stone and posted in public places - China - “bulleting of the court” and it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials.

4 Newspapers Television Radio - mediated culture - These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important - the concept of celebrity

5 Anytime Anywhere On any digital device

6 digital analog discrete representation continous perfect copy poor copy easy to distribute/access hard to distribute/access interactive static physical virtual mass unique

7 Specific printing time Instant Local area Worldwide, local None anytime Not convenient Computer, phone, tablet Hard to track Track everything Yes No restrictions Old Media New Media Lead Time Reach Flexibility for changes Convenience Tracking Restricted ad space

8  1. Numerical Representation – „media becomes programmable“  2. Modularity – „fractal structure of new media“  3. Automation – „The human can be removed from the creative process, at least in part.“  4. Variability - „media as a liquid“  5. Transcoding - two layers of media, the "computer" layer and the "cultural" layer. The computer layer is the functional layer, whereas the culture layer is more of the meaning behind the function from a human perspective.

9  Web sites  streaming audio and video  chat rooms  e-mail  online communities  Web advertising  DVD and CD-ROM media  virtual reality environments  integration of digital data with the telephone, such as Internet telephone  digital cameras  mobile computing

10  the cost of production and distribution decreasing  lack of advantages based on physical space and on time production

11  Illegal music distribution

12 Internet/New mediaOld media

13  Thank you for your attention!

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