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Mrs. Fedei C2.  Syllabus  Quarter 1 – Student objectives  Class Expectations ◦ Website  Grading  Extra help  Contact Info.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Fedei C2.  Syllabus  Quarter 1 – Student objectives  Class Expectations ◦ Website  Grading  Extra help  Contact Info."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Fedei C2

2  Syllabus  Quarter 1 – Student objectives  Class Expectations ◦ Website  Grading  Extra help  Contact Info

3  1 st /3 rd Quarter ◦ Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-20 ◦ Drawing projects ◦ Cereal Box project  2 nd /4 th Quarter ◦ Numeric keypad Les. 1-4 ◦ MLA guidelines for reports ◦ Memos ◦ Personal Business Letters ◦ Envelopes ◦ Careers  Job Applications  Resumes

4  Good Attendance ◦ Success in keyboarding depends on the student BEING in class. The majority of our work is done in class, so it is imperative that students miss as little time as possible. ◦ If your child is absent, it is their responsibility to schedule a time to complete the missed lesson. I will be available during resource (6 th block) or after school on Tuesday’s.  Be on time ◦ Students should be waiting outside my classroom quietly or in their seats when the bell rings.

5  Practice ◦ Although practice is not graded in my class. Practicing at home is an integral part of the learning process. I recommend that students practice for approximately 10-15 minutes daily. ◦ If they Google Keyboarding websites or go to my website, they will find links to appropriate practice sites.

6  Demonstrate our “Bolt Behaviors” ◦ Respecting self, others & property  Come prepared ◦ Binder ◦ Writing Utensils ◦ Agenda ◦ Novel  Follow directions  Complete all class work & homework  Work hard with a positive attitude

7  Grading will be based on Mastery of concepts, through keyboarding drill and practice and projects. ◦ Formative assessments will include:  Exit tickets  Oral questioning  Observations  Homework ◦ Summative assessments will include:  Quizzes/Tests  Projects  Skills observation- Given to assess correct posture and fingering of keys. (Observation)

8  Based on points ◦ Projects – 50 points each ◦ Class Work – Depends on assignment ◦ Quizzes – Depends on length of quiz/test  Students will have quizzes after every 4 lessons, which are given to assess understanding of the material. ◦ Skills Observation – 100 points each  Given to assess correct posture and fingering of keys.  Will be done three times during the quarter.

9  If students need extra help or time to complete their lessons or homework. I will do the following: ◦ Give them a pass for resource or before school.  My resource period is 6 th block. ◦ Stay after school – Tuesdays are my after school days. Permission forms can be found on my website. ◦ Activity Busses are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Fridays.

10  Before School ◦ I arrive roughly around 7:40 am  Planning: ◦ A Days – 1 st Block 8:50-10:15 ◦ B Days – 6 th Block 10:20-11:45  Email – kimberly.fedei@lcps.orgkimberly.fedei@  Phone – 571-434-4420  After School ◦ I leave usually around 4:00 pm.

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