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Haptic Interfaces Virtual Environment (week 11th seminar) Presenters: Fu Cao Marios Panayides Kenny Choo Ioannis Makris.

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2 Haptic Interfaces Virtual Environment (week 11th seminar) Presenters: Fu Cao Marios Panayides Kenny Choo Ioannis Makris

3 Preview Introduction Natural Interaction with the VE Components of HI(Haptic Interface) Fields where the HI can be used Variety of devices Discussion

4 Introduction  What is Haptic Interfaces? A device which allows a user to interact with a computer by receiving tactile feed back.  How do we sense the world?  Texture, Vibration, Temperature…etc. (Tactile sense)  Size, Shape, Weight…etc. (Kinesthesia)  The Neuro-physiology of Touch  How does our tactile system work?

5 The Neurophysiology of Touch

6 Introduction The History of Haptics  Dates back to 1950s  GROPE(1972)  Atkinson(1977)  Touch Master(1995)  PHANTOM(1996)  Impulse Engine  (Jackson&Rosenberg 1995)

7 Natural Interaction with the Virtual Environment

8 Why use haptic devices?  Example of regular mouse and “haptically enabled” mouse.

9 What is an HI useful for?  Depends from the application  Haptic teleoperation  Games:rumble packs, change of temperature  VR: the sense of touch  Medicine-teleoperators  Arts: virtual violin LS500 Laparoscopy Simulation Platform

10 Current cues/signals/hints used in VE  Audio and visual signals  Advanced computer graphics  Advanced audio technology  Presence?

11 Haptic Interfaces in the VR field  Illusion of presence Master II-ND virtual reality force-fedback glove

12 Haptic cues - Principal of operation  Tactile sensations Pressure, texture, puncture, thermal properties, softness, wetness, vibrotactile sensations  Kinesthetic Sense Awareness of one’s body state Position, velocity, forces supplied by muscles  Fundamental to manipulation and locomotion

13 Human perception and haptic interfaces  1 KHz or more, to satisfy the representation theorem and to minimize interaction delay  What happens if we get below that rate?

14 Components of a Haptic Interface

15 Components of a HI – Sensors & Actuators  Some examples Electrostatic Electromechanical  Piezoelectric  Shape-memory alloys Rheological Fluid Thermal Hydraulic Pneumatic Magnetic  Mechanical forces applied to users and getting feedback from users Electromechanical transducers composed of sensors and actuators A pneumatic piston

16 Components of a HI – Sensors & Actuators  Advances in materials technology created the potential for better electromechanical tranducers: R.Fletcher, “Force transduction materials for human-technology interfaces,” IBM Systems Journal, Volume 35, Numbers 3 & 4, 1996, MIT Media Lab.

17 Components of a HI – Degrees of Freedom  Degrees of Freedom Phantom allows for 6 degrees of freedom 3 translational and 3 rotational Can simulate different lengths of arm’s movements

18 Components of a HI - Computational system Provides haptic rendering capabilities analogous to visual rendering of common graphics systems Task is to generate signals that are relevant to a specified application Modelling as a means of representation of an environment Mapping of the computational task into a data processing hierachy

19 Components of a HI – Simplified Physical Models  Use of simplified physical models to render haptic objects that compete in realism with actual physical objects. (Minsky, 1995; Morgenbesser & Srinivasan,1996; Robles-De-La-Torre & Hayward, 2001; Flanagan & Lederman, 2001)  Alternatively, use ground data recording, storing it as a function of state variables and time (Okamura et al, 2000)

20 Fields of use

21 Some areas of Application  Graphical User Interfaces  Scientific Visualization  Simulation and training

22 Graphical User Interfaces  One of the early applications researched.  Build upon existing GUIs  Studies have proved increased speed and accuracy over traditional GUIs  X Desktop - Miller and Zeleznik 1998  Haptic Pen - Lee et al

23 Graphical User Interfaces  Artistic painting can benefit from haptic interaction.  UNC dAb

24 Graphical User Interfaces  Modelling applications – ArtNova

25 Scientific Visualisation  Immersive Visualization  The nanoManipulator is a good example

26 Simulation and training  Dangerous and systems or with limited availability can be simulated.  Several military applications

27 Simulation and training  Medical training is another popular application [Gibson et al].

28 Other applications  Games  Systems for people with disabilities  Telerobotics and teleoperation  Vehicle operation  Scientific study of touch

29 Devices

30 Variety of Devices

31 Many many more …

32 CyberGlove®  The CyberGlove System  Applications  Virtual reality  telerobotics  task training  medicine  CAD  sign language recognition  video games  graphical character animation  music generation  hand-function analysis

33 SuperCilia Skin

34 Discussion  So, What do you think. Do you think they are user friendly device?  Advantages and dis-advantages  Can you come up with some new applications for these devices?

35 So…  That is THE END

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