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Stephanie Potter SRVS in Memphis, TN Director of Community Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephanie Potter SRVS in Memphis, TN Director of Community Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephanie Potter SRVS in Memphis, TN Director of Community Employment

2  Partner up with someone you do not know  Youngest person take out the most valuable item you have with you  Give it to your partner  Your partner will find you and give it back after the conference today  How are you feeling right now?

3  Secretly write down from 1-10 how likely you think that person is to follow through  1- You will never see that person again  10- 100% positive they will find you and give your item back

4  Career/ Vocational Assessments  Personal Interest Inventories  Job Shadowing  Mentoring  Employer tours  Labor Market Information  Discovery

5  Work-Based Learning  Volunteering  Internships  Work Adjustment  Supported Employment  Trial Work Experiences  Summer Work Experiences

6  Self-Advocacy  Soft Skills  Social Skills  Independent Living Skills  Community Service  Civic Engagement  Budgeting and Banking

7  New WIOA legislation has an emphasis on youth and people with disabilities  Great resource for assessments, soft skills workshops, employer info, summer work experiences and training options  Youth programs have flexible funding

8  VR contracts with these agencies to provide employment supports  Help bridge the gap for families to adult services  Invite them to Parent meetings and Transition Fairs 

9  School system contracts with CP Center  All instruction is provided in the community the last year of school  Highly structured and individualized schedules  Includes volunteer work, independent living skills, social and recreational skills  Students have a job by the time they graduate


11  4 Week training program in stores  Soft skills curriculum  Retail certificate includes stocking, customer service, store appearance and cash register

12  Nine month rotating internship program  At a hospital or other large business location  Includes classroom time and three internships  Skills learned lead to jobs


14  Include VR in all IEP meetings  Use the student’s support network  Clarify roles and responsibilities  Prepare families for “real” life  Conduct Resource Mapping  Make IEP goals relevant, easy to document and understand

15  5 minute discussion with your partner  Why that item is so important to you  Place of birth and # siblings  Where you attended school plus a memory  First job and a memory  Hobbies

16  Write down now how likely you think that person is to return your item at the end of the day 1-10  Did your number go up or down?  Why?

17  Common Goals  Commitment  Combining Assets and Resources  Build Trust  Join Forces  Win/Lose Together

18 Stephanie Potter SRVS Director of Community Employment 901-869-9205

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