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Welcome to Geographic terms American Revolution The Constitution The Bill of Rights Key Dates Impact of Geography on History $200 $100 $400 $300 $100.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Geographic terms American Revolution The Constitution The Bill of Rights Key Dates Impact of Geography on History $200 $100 $400 $300 $100."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to

3 Geographic terms American Revolution The Constitution The Bill of Rights Key Dates Impact of Geography on History $200 $100 $400 $300 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $400 $200 $300 $400 $300 $100 Credits

4 The study of the earth’s surface and its characteristics

5 What is physical geography?

6 The study of the distribution of people and how they interact with the environment

7 What is human geography?

8 Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Gilbralter; Dardanelles

9 What are examples of geographic choke points?

10 The spread of ideas and beliefs, products, and ways of doing things

11 What is spatial or cultural diffusion?

12 Battle known as the“Shot Heard Round the World” because it began the American Revolution

13 What was the Battle of Lexington?

14 The date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence

15 What was July 4, 1776?

16 The battle fought in Virginia resulting in the British surrender and the independence of the American colonies

17 What was the Battle of Yorktown?

18 The argument the colonists used to resist the British policies, which had been changed to help pay for the French and Indian War

19 What was “No taxation without representation?”

20 The three branches of the federal government

21 What are legislative, executive, and judicial?

22 Veto, Senate approval of Presidential appointments, and declaring a law unconstitutional

23 What are examples of the checks and balances system in the Constitution?

24 The type of government patterned after the Romans in which the citizens elect representatives to carry out the powers of the government

25 What is a republic?

26 The principle that divides the powers and responsibilities of government between national and state

27 What is federalism?

28 Freedom of Expression-free speech, free press, freedom of religion, petition, and assembly

29 What are the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment?

30 No unreasonable searches and seizures

31 What is the freedom guaranteed in the 4 th Amendment?

32 The Amendment guaranteeing a citizen a fair jury trial in a criminal case?

33 What is the Sixth Amendment?


35 The protection of the 5 th Amendment that guarantees the government must follow certain rules in the prosecution of an accused person

36 What is Due process?

37 The year beginning the Civil War when seven Southern states seceded from the Union over the election of Lincoln

38 What was 1861?

39 The year the Civil War ended with the South surrendering to the North

40 What was 1865?

41 The date the Constitutional Convention met to draw up a new plan of government

42 What was 1787?

43 The date of the Magna Carta which began to limit the power of the English king?

44 What was 1215?

45 The four sites and the respective rivers of the first river valley civilizations

46 What are Egypt-Nile Tigris/Euphrates-Mesopotamia Indus-India Yangtze-China

47 The nomads on horseback who came from the grassy plains of central Europe to conquer the largest land empire in the history of the world

48 Who were the Mongols?

49 The push factor that caused a large migration of Irish to come to the United States in the 1840’s

50 What was the Irish Potato Famine?

51 The pull factor that caused the Pilgrims and Puritans to come to the New World?

52 What was the opportunity to worship as they please and escape persecution?

53 A Special Thanks to the following who made this game possible Barbara Caffee, Social Studies Co-coordinator for CFBISD and the 8 th Grade American History teachers of CFBISD Eric Fink, Technology consultant for CFBISD Jeopardy music from Television’s Greatest Hits, Volume II, distributed by TVT Records, 23 E. 4 th St New York, New York 10003

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