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Presentation on theme: "ANOREXY AND BULIMY."— Presentation transcript:


2 DEFINITION: Bulimy: Anorexy:
People suffering eat excesively and after they vomitate or use laxatives and diuretics. Sometimes they submit themselves to very restricted diets which modify their character and behaviour. Anorexy: People suffering from anorexy, don’t want to mantain their normal weight because they are affraid of gaining weight and becoming obese, and they are worried about their body.

3 SYMPTOMS: Anorexy: 1.- Don’t want to keep their weight 2.-Vomitate
3.-Start eating less and less 4.- Can’t concentrate in their studies 5.- Lose their menstruatin 6.- People feel cold, lose their hair... Etc...

4 SYMPTOMS: Bulimy: 1.- Eating with out control
2.- Feeling that it’s impossible to stop eating 3.- Fasting to compensate for previous over eating 4.- Inducing vomits that are denied 5.- Abusing of laxatives and diuretics 6.- Problems with theeth 7.- Changes of humor and deppresions

5 TREATMENT: Anorexy: The best treatment is a group therapy
Talking about the problem T he help of the family And the more important is adquiring the right eatingattitude

6 TREATMENT: Bulimy: The best treatment is group or individual therapy
Then, adquiring the right eating actitude The bulimy there is a pharmacologic treatment The most affective are antidepressants

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