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Eating Disorders Life Education 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Disorders Life Education 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Disorders Life Education 1

2 Myth vs. Facts Myth: Skipping meals causes someone to lose weight quicker Fact: Skipping meals (especially breakfast) causes the body to retain fat to use as energy later

3 Myth vs. Fact It is always easy to tell if someone has an eating disorder Fact: People can have eating disorders that few, if any, other people know about

4 Myth vs. Fact Eating disorders are mostly a female issue
Fact: Males can suffer from eating disorders as well and usually go un/misdiagnosed. Males are also likely to suffer from an exercise disorder

5 Weight Management What is weight management?
A program of SENSIBLE EATING and EXERCISE HABITS that will help keep your weight at a healthy level Weight management requires a good diet AND exercise!

6 Dangerous Weight Loss Practices
Fad Diets: requires major changes in eating habits and promises quick results Diet Pills: Weight lost is usually put back on once pills are no longer taken Surgery: Not the substitute for diet and exercise

7 Body Image The way you perceive your body
The way you see yourself or THINK the way others see you Body Image: How you see and feel about your appearance and how comfortable you are with your own body

8 Body Image Negative social norms: Glorifying skinny models
Jokes about weight Perfectionism

9 Distorted Body Image When you see something that is NOT really there
Funhouse Mirror Effect

10 Eating Disorders What are eating disorders?
Conditions that involve an unhealthy degree of concern about body weight and shape that may lead to attempts to manage weight in unhealthy ways Physical AND psychological Problem for MEN and WOMEN

11 Common Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa: Self starvation, distorted body image, low body weight Bulimia Nervosa: Eat food then uses vomiting or laxatives to rid the body of the food Binge Eating (Bingeing): Eating excessively large quantities in one sitting Purging: Some times follows bingeing. Involves vomiting or misusing laxatives to rid the body of food.

12 Anorexia Signs and Symptoms: Intense fear of weight gain
Overexercising Preferring to eat alone Preoccupation with calories Extreme weight loss Hair loss on head Weakness/Exhaustion Treatment: medical, psychological, and nutritional therapy Family Counseling

13 Bulimia Signs/Symptoms: Preoccupation with body weight
Bloodshot eyes and sore throat Dental problems Bad breath Treatment: Therapy, nutritional counseling

14 Binge Eating Signs and symptoms Above normal weight
Bingeing episodes accompanied with feelings of guilt, shame, and loss of control Treatment: psychological and nutritional therapy

15 Disordered Eating Patterns
Not severe enough to be classified as a specific eating disorder Can lead to serious health problems

16 What can you do? Tell a trusted adult Contact doctor, help lines, etc

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