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My Child Was Just Identified with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Now What Do I Do? Overview of Autism.

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Presentation on theme: "My Child Was Just Identified with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Now What Do I Do? Overview of Autism."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Child Was Just Identified with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Now What Do I Do? Overview of Autism

2 Topics What We Know about Autism 10 Tips for Families Intervention Supports Comprehensive Approach Addressing Needs in the Home

3 Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Asperger’s Syndrome Pervasive Developmental Disorder not Otherwise Specified

4 Topic for Today: What We Know about Autism

5 What We Know About Autism Incidence is 1 in 110 children (CDC, 2009) Four times more boys than girls Found in all racial, ethnic & social backgrounds No known cause We’re still learning

6 Current Beliefs about Autism A neuro-biological disorder A spectrum disorder (continuum with combinations of symptoms)

7 Autism Continuum Measured IQ Cognitive impairment Gifted Social Interaction AloofPassive Odd Communication Non-verbal Verbal Sensory Hyposensitive Hypersensitive Adapted from Dalrymple, Porco, & Chung Motor Skills UncoordinatedCoordinated

8 “ If you’ve met one child with autism, you’ve met one child with autism.” -Stephen Shore

9 Activity: What do you notice?

10 What Have You Noticed? Social Communication Behavior

11 Did You Notice? Social: Might not show anticipatory behaviors Might not share joint attention Difficulty interacting with other children Might not respond to name

12 Did You Notice? Communication: Might appear “deaf” Might avoid looking at people Might not imitate speech Might use echolalia more than children without ASD

13 Did You Notice? Behavior: Unusual repetitive movements May have high pain tolerance Wants “sameness” Unusual response to sound Extreme attachments to objects

14 It’s Important to Remember: No known cure, but interventions can reduce some of the challenges associated with autism Children can and do improve

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