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JCM OSCE QMH A&E Feb 2014. Case 1 F/32 LBP for one week No fever, no neurological deficits PE unremarkable Xray LS spine.

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Presentation on theme: "JCM OSCE QMH A&E Feb 2014. Case 1 F/32 LBP for one week No fever, no neurological deficits PE unremarkable Xray LS spine."— Presentation transcript:

1 JCM OSCE QMH A&E Feb 2014

2 Case 1 F/32 LBP for one week No fever, no neurological deficits PE unremarkable Xray LS spine

3 Case 1

4 Question 1 What is the Xray finding? What could be the DDx?

5 Question 2 What could be causative organism?

6 Case 2 M/20 Complained of R sided chest pain for one day No SOB No history of trauma PE showed decreased breath sound over R lung


8 Questions What are the findings? How do you manage him? What are the indications for surgical treatment?

9 Case 3 F/21 PMH: Schizophrenia Sudden onset of colicky generalised abdominal pain again since after lunch Small amount BO PE: abd distension

10 AXR

11 Questions What are the findings? Name a few differential diagnoses What is the diagnosis?

12 Case 4 F/50 Found collapsed in hospital canteen On arrival GCS 14/15 BP 160/70, P 60 Tenderness and swelling over right face




16 CT face

17 Questions Please describe the CT scan finding What do you need to look for in physical examination? If CT scan is not available, what Xray view will you order? Any pitfall in this view?

18 Case 5 M/77 Trip and fell with head and neck injury Brief LOC PE: GCS 15/15 Tenderness over R neck RUL power 4/5, LUL 5/5

19 CT brain + neck

20 CT reconstruction

21 Questions What are the CT findings? What do you need to look for in physical examination What is the classification of this injury? What are the possible long term complications in this injury? Name 2 clinical prediction rules for predicting cervical injury requiring Xray

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