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Different conditions: - Desert - Tropical Grassland (Savannah) - Rock deserts and sparse grasslands - Arctic conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Different conditions: - Desert - Tropical Grassland (Savannah) - Rock deserts and sparse grasslands - Arctic conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different conditions: - Desert - Tropical Grassland (Savannah) - Rock deserts and sparse grasslands - Arctic conditions

2 2 Main Adaptations Lack of Water Extremes in temperature Water Where from???? How do they prevent water leaving there bodies???? - Habitat - Body design

3 Examples of Animal Adaptations (Desert) Fennec Fox Large ears Kidneys Habitat & Lifestyle Thick and sandy coloured Fur Desert tortoise Lifestyle Habitat Survive for ONE YEAR without water Shell for protection Shallow pits for catching rain

4 Predators Fast, alert, powerful and smart to catch Prey - Cheetahs - Lions - Hyenas SO WHAT ADAPTATIONS ARE IMPORTANT FOR THEM????

5 Lions Loose belly skin Mane (male lions) Position of eyes Muscled forearms & shoulders Retractable claws Rough tongue Sandy colour

6 Lizards & Leopard Gecko Tail that breaks off (avoidance of predators) Disadvantage of tail loss Lifestyle (Nocturnal) Body adaptations

7 Cold, snowy conditions Polar Bear Colour? How do they keep warm? Size and shape of paws? Nostrils Penguins All penguins in Southern Hemisphere Flightless but good swimmers How are they adapted for swimming? How do they keep warm? (Body and behaviour adaptations) Why feathers? How do they stay underwater?

8 Plants need water OR they will die Mesophytes – no specific adaptations Hydrophytes – adaptations for living in water Xerophytes – adaptations for living in dry conditions

9 Low rainfall and high temperatures Modifications Succulents store water in times of plenty Stomata on lower side of leaf (reduces transpiration) Some leaves die and wither Thick cuticle Hairs on leaf Folding of leaves Compound leaves Leaf arrangement (for shade) Root systems deep

10 Found living in and around rivers, lagoons etc….. Modifications Large flat leaves that float Leaves have notches or hairs Long, flexible stalks Shallow underground stem (rhizome) & small roots Examples damp soil, edge of water e.g. bulrushes shallow water, roots in mud e.g. water lily float on surface e.g. water hyacinth totally submerged except floating flowers e.g. ribbon weed

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