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The Great NEW DEAL Depression.

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1 The Great NEW DEAL Depression

2 Causes of the Depression
People lose their jobs. Demand drops. Fewer goods are sold. The Spiral Of Depression Even more people Lose their confidence And spend less money In order to stay in business companies cut wages Good place to point out that the spiral of depression is the opposite to the cycle of prosperity. Even discuss in relation to Henry Ford and the impact on the other industries that produced his standardised goods. Companies are forced to cut costs by laying people off People lose their confidence & start saving their money Demand drops even further.



5 Great Depression in the Cities
In cities across the country people: lost their jobs Were evicted from their houses Ended up living on the street. Shantytowns, soup kitchens and bread lines appeared



8 People waiting in line for bread and soup and also living out of their car.


10 The Election of 1932 FDR Hoover

11 What were we thinking?

12 Americans Get a New Deal
1932 election Americans clearly wanted a change Before FDR was president many state governors declared “bank holidays” TO PREVENT RUN ON THE BANKS

13 ELECTION OF FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat) governor of New York Democrats win control of both houses Why was the victory easy- President Hoover’s failure to do ANYTHING EFFECTIVE ABOUT THE DEPRESSION

14 Waiting for FDR too take Over
FDR began to formulate a set of policies (New Deal) that would deal with problems caused by the Great Depression

15 FDR and the New Deal During the presidential campaign of 1932, FDR promised Americans a NEW DEAL. This would be his program to get America back on its feet.

16 Goals of New Deal Program
Relief Help people right away Recovery Get the US out of the Depression Reform Make sure another depression does not happen

17 The Hundred Days Between March 9 and June 16, 1933 came to be called the hundred days FDR launched a period of intense activity Known as the hundred days

18 The Hundred Days 15 major pieces of legislation
What was the Emergency Banking Relief Act? Shut down banks until government inspected them

19 New Deal: Relief Federal Emergency Relief Association (FERA)
Civil Works Administration (CWA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Farm Credit Association (FCA) Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

20 New Deal: Recovery Works Progress Administration (WPA)
National Recovery Administration (NRA) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) National Youth Administration (NYA) Federal Housing Act (FHA)

21 New Deal: Reform Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Wagner Act (NLRB) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Social Security

22 Key Quotes: FDR’s Inauguration Speech
This Nation asks for action, and action now. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. I shall ask Congress for broad executive power to wage was against the emergency. Link to: Text of Speech Video

23 Fireside Chats Series of radio addresses by FDR
30 total between 1933 to 1944 FDR used these to calm American people down. CLICK on the radio to link to hear the 1st chat on the Bank Crisis

24 An Important Fireside Chat
What was their significance? People again began to deposit money in banks By the time of FDR’s inauguration in 1933, most of the nation’s banks were closed ONE IN FOUR WORKERS WERE UNEMPLOYED

25 Regulating Banking and Finance
After his inauguration President Roosevelt’s first challenge was to restore America’s confidence IN THE BANKING SYSTEM

26 Regulating Banking and Finance
Glass-Steagall Act = established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) It provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts Separated commercial and investment banking

27 Regulating Banking and Finance
Federal Securities Act + required corporation to provided complete information on all stock offerings What is the SEC? the Security and Exchange Commission whose job was to regulate the stock market

28 Helping the American People
Roosevelt administration implemented programs to provide relief to Farmers Other workers Attempted to stimulate the economy

29 Rural Assistance Agriculture Adjustment Administration- sought to
raise crop prices Lowering production by paying farmers not to grow so much

30 Rural Assistance What did the government do that upset many Americans?
Paid Hog farmers to slaughter 6 million hogs

31 Rural Assistance Farm Security Administration gave loans to tenant farmers so they could PURCHASE THEIR OWN FARMS

32 Rural Assistance Congress authorized the Farm Security Administration to help farmers REFINANCE THEIR MORTGAGES Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) = created 1000s of jobs providing electricity to the Tennessee Valley

33 Tennessee Valley Authority

34 Providing Work Projects
Civilian Construction Corps (CCC) = young men to work building roads, planting tress ect. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FOREST SERVICE

35 Providing Work Projects

36 Promoting Fair Practices
NIRA also sought to promote industrial growth by establishing fair codes for individual industries Workers were allowed to organize unions and bargain collectively

37 Food. Clothing, and Shelter
Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) = provided government loans to homeowners who could not make their payments

38 Food, clothing, and Shelter
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) = $500 million to provide relief to the needy Define deficit spending- spending more money that you are making

39 Reversing the Spiral of Depression
Government Spending $ More Pay = More Taxes Alphabet Agencies More Jobs Cycle of Prosperity! Democrats called this Process ‘Pump Priming’ More Jobs More goods have to be produced More Spending Demand for goods increases Why not print this presentation out using the print handout command and select 3 slides per page. The students can then make notes as they go along! Demand for goods increases More Spending More goods have to be produced More people with Jobs = more pay $

40 FDR and the Supreme Court

41 Court Packing…. The Supreme Court struck down several New Deal laws as unconstitutional. FDR wanted to increase the size of the court from 9 to 15. Would appoint justices who were pro-New Deal Congress did not agree with FDR. This hurt FDR’s image.

42 Huey Long FDR was NOT doing enough for the poor.
Long pushed his “Share Our Wealth” program. Take all income over $1,000,000 to give: House Car Annual Salary For all Americans

43 Dr. Francis Townshend FDR was NOT doing enough for old people.
Proposed a $200 a month pension to everyone over 60. This was good for (2) reasons: $$ to boost economy Open a job up for a younger American

44 Charles Coughlin FDR had NOT done enough….
Fr. Coughlin felt that FDR did not take on the powerful bankers in the United States. Used the radio to blast FDR and became known as the “Radio Priest”.

45 Three Fiery Critics Attracted to the ideas of Frances Townshend the ELDERLY mobilized as a political force for the first time Roosevelt faced criticism from Democrat Huey Long who planned to run for president in 1936


47 The Second Hundred Days
By 1935 Roosevelt was seeking ways to build on programs from the first hundred days (The Second New Deal) Who pushed for this? His wife Eleanor- a social reformer with great political skills

48 The Election of 1936 Republicans ran Alfred Landon (governor of Kansas) Democrats ran FDR and he won easily What two groups voted Democrat for the 1st time? African-Americans and Labor UNions

49 The Election of 1936 President Roosevelt won a landslide in 1936

50 Election of 1936

51 Roosevelt Extends Relief
As part of the Second new Deal, Roosevelt administration and congress set up a series of programs to help Youth Professionals And other workers

52 Work Progress Administration
Set up to create as many jobs as possible as quickly as possible Headed by Harry Hopkins Spent $11 billion and gave jobs to more than 8 million workers

53 Work Progress Administration
New Deals largest public works program Employed 8.5 million workers Built 65,000 miles of roadways 853 airports 124,000 bridges 8,000 parks

54 Works Progress Administration
List jobs for unskilled workers: construction workers List jobs for skilled workers: teachers, writers, musicians, artists and theatre people

55 National Youth Administration
Created specifically to provide Jobs Counseling recreation For young people Students worked part-time jobs while in school

56 Improving Labor and Other Reforms
FDR brought important reforms in Labor relations Economic security for retired workers President Roosevelt’s and New Deal supporters in Congress believed that UNIONS could help the Depression by negotiating higher wages

57 Improving Labor Conditions
After the Supreme Court ruled the NIRA unconstitutional FDR and Congress passed the Wagner Act or National labor Relations

58 Improving Labor Conditions
Wagner Act Allowed for workers to join unions Allowed for collective bargaining with binding arbitration National labor Relations Board – watch for unfair labor practices and labor elections

59 Improving Labor Conditions
Committee for Industrial Organization set out to organize all SKILLED AND UNSKILLED WORKERS IN THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY

60 Improving Labor Conditions
Fair Labor Standards Act – Maximum hours per week (44) Minimum wage ($.25) Set rules for those under 16 Banned hazardous work for those under 18

61 Social Security Act of 1935

62 Old Age Insurance 65 and older receive pensions funded by workers/employers FDR imposed payroll taxes on workers and employers to help pay for Social Security benefits were A CRUCIAL ELEMENT of the economic program

63 How is Social Security funded?


65 Social Security Act 1935 Unemployment Compensation – helped workers who were unemployed Aid to families- families with dependent children received money

66 Social Security Act of 1935 By establishing safeguards and relief programs that protected against economic disaster were called SAFETY NETS


68 President Roosevelt cut spending
First Social Security payroll removed 2 billion from economy STARTED THE RECESSION OF 1937

69 Roosevelt cited an ECONOMIC THEORY KEYESIANIMS which held the government should spend heavily in a recession To jump start the economy

70 Women Frances Perkins – 1st female cabinet member (Secretary of Labor)
Instrumental in Social Security and labor legislation Still faced discrimination Lower wages – accused of taking men’s jobs

71 American Indians INDIAN REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1934 restored Indian reservation lands Gave Native Americans control over their lands Permitted them to elect their own government

72 African Americans PUBLIC WORKS ADMINSTRATION required that contractors not to discriminate against African Americans FDR appointed more than 100 African Americans to key positions in government

73 African Americans A. Phillip Randolph – African-American labor leader
Mary M. Bethune – educator who worked fro promoting opportunities for young African-Americans The Black Cabinet – group of African-Americans advisors to the President

74 FDR Creates the New Deal Coalition
An alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party (Southerners, urban groups, blacks, union workers)

75 Labor Unions Flourish 1933 – 1941 membership grew from 3 million to 10 million Identify the CIO – Congress of Industrial Organization (large labor union)

76 Labor Unions Flourish What was the Memorial Day massacre?
10 people were killed and many injured when police broke up a steel workers strike in Chicago


78 Impact of the New Deal By 1939 the New Deal was effectively over
FDR was increasingly concerned with events in Europe Particularly Hitler’s rise to power

79 Impact of New Deal Economic recovery from the Great Depression would not be complete and unemployment would run high until AFTER WORLD WAR II

80 What will end the Great Depression?
America’s entry into World War II

81 Supporters and Critics of the New Deal
One legacy of the New Deal is the continuing debate over how much the government should INTERVENE IN THE ECONOMY OR SUPPORT THE DISADVANTAGED

82 Liberty League FDR had gone TO FAR with the New Deal.
Interfering with business and people’s lives. Government was taking away freedoms from Americans.

83 Supporters of the New Deal
What did liberals think? FDR did not go far enough to socialize the economy

84 Expanding Government’s Role in the Economy
New Deal gave the President the power to have a more active role in the economy by regulating supply and demand and government spending

85 Expanding the Government’s Role in the Economy
The federal government began getting deeper in debt from all the government spending plans To pay for many New Deal plans, President Roosevelt abandoned the balanced budget and began using DEFICIT SPENDING

86 Protecting Workers Rights
New Deal legislation set standards for wages and hours banned child labor Ensured the rights or workers to organize And to collectively bargain

87 Protecting worker’s Rights
FAIR LABOR AND STANDARDS ACT – was a New Deal law that abolished child labor Banking and Finance New policies were enacted (SEC + FDIC) to regulate the stock market and oversee banking

88 Social and Environmental Effects
Social Security Creation of Social Security System would help a large number of Americans receive some assistance

89 The Rural Scene New Deal legislation set up quotas for production of crops and to control surpluses Rural electrification helped to improve conditions in rural America

90 The Environment Americans also continue to benefit from New Deal efforts to protect the environment Identify the Tennessee Valley authority (TVA) Federal project that built a series of dams that provided electricity for the Tennessee Valley

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