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You are 75. You have to pack your things and leave home, with all your family. You haven’t been told where. You just have to start walking. You will be.

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Presentation on theme: "You are 75. You have to pack your things and leave home, with all your family. You haven’t been told where. You just have to start walking. You will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are 75. You have to pack your things and leave home, with all your family. You haven’t been told where. You just have to start walking. You will be blessed if you do this. How far do you think you would get ? How would you know when you “got there”? What might make you turn back? To describe Abram’s call To explain God’s Covenant with Abram To reflect on Abram’s faith

2 1.What did God ask Abram to do? 2.Write out and complete what God said to Abram. 3.Draw stick pictures of God & Abraham. Label what God promised, and what Abraham had to do. **Which part of the promise might have appealed most to Abram? Why? “Walk before me and be ___________ and I will give you this ____. I will increase your descendants and make you a great ________, and I will establish my ________ between me and you, and your __________ after you, to be your ____ and the God of your descendants for ever.” Covenant Descendants Blameless God Nation Land Abraham – Father of Faith

3 Abram walked for 25 years. He covered 1000 miles, living in tents, with all his family and animals. He wondered when he would get to the land God had promised him. He was also 99 years old now, his wife 75 - too old to have children. How could God’s promise be fulfilled? How would his family increase to become a nation? One night, Abram was talking to God inside the tent. Abram suggested to God, that perhaps his relative might be able to have children & carry on the family line. God told Abram to step outside. God asked Abram: “Count the stars if you can. So many shall your descendants be”. Abram: born approx 2000 BC (just after first pyramids built) What advice would you give Abram? What should he do? What is the point of God asking Abram to look up at the sky? Abram cannot count the stars. He cannot even see all of them, but he knows they are there. So he believes in God, and in God’s promise, although he cannot see how it can be true. God counted Abram’s faith as evidence of his righteousness. 1.What was difficult about Abram’s journey? 2.What was worrying Abram? How did he think he might solve this problem himself? 3.What did God’s reply teach him? **Why was God impressed with Abraham?

4 Should you go? A You are Abram, ready to set out into the distance, trusting only in this new God you have heard speaking to you … B You are Lot, Abram’s brother. You think it’s crazy for Abram to turn his back on all your family’s gods… C You are Abram’s father. You will probably die soon. You want your family to be united and strong. … D You are Abram’s 60 year old wife...Abram is saying that God will make him a big family.. is this believable? Is it sensible to start travelling at your age? (Abram is 75)…

5 Faith is like jumping into the unknown, and casting yourself on God. You don’t know how believing in God will change your life. You are not even sure how real God is. But you take the plunge, and believe. Write a prayer or a poem about faith – what you think it means. Father of Faith

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