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Classroom Search.

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1 Classroom Search

2 Leaf Specialization Some leaves have specializations that protect the plant Ex. The tobacco plant contains nicotine which repels herbivores. Cactus leaves no longer preform photosynthesis but protect the plant from being eaten

3 Leaf Specialization Some leaves have specializations that allow them to fall off Ex. In Canada the leaves fall off trees in order to conserve water and nutrients during the winter

4 Leaf Specialization Some leaves produce chemicals that prevent their cells from freezing Ex. Needles on a pine tree. They are needle shaped to help them shed snow more quickly

5 Leaf Specialization Some leaves have specializations that allow them to store water Ex. The leaves of the jade plant have adapted fleshy leaves that store water in the dry climate

6 Stem Specialization Ex. The cactus stem highly modified to store water
Some stems are specialized to store water or carbohydrates Ex. The cactus stem highly modified to store water

7 Stem Specialization Ex. Thorns on the hawthorn tree deter herbivores
Stems protect the plant from injury Ex. Thorns on the hawthorn tree deter herbivores

8 Stem Specialization Ex. Potatoes, onions
Some steams grow underground and are modified to store food and water. They can also rise to a new plant Ex. Potatoes, onions

9 Stem Specialization Some steams grow along the soil instead of upright. Ex. Vines use other objects to raise their leaves up to the sunlight

10 Root Specialization Some roots have a mutualistic relationship with fungus and bacteria. Nitrogen fixing bacteria converts nitrogen from the air and converts it into a form the plant can use. In return the bacteria receives carbohydrates from the plant

11 Root Specialization Some roots use other plants grow
The strangler fig seed is left in the branches of another tree. The roots grow down the tree, using the tree for nutrients and water. The roots eventually reach the ground and strangle the life out of the other tree

12 Root Specialization Tuberous roots are lateral roots that have been specialized to store carbohydrates. These roots are at a higher risk of being eaten so they have developed protection. Ex. Cassava root contains a deadly toxin which can be soaked out in water for human consumption

13 Root Specialization Some roots produce toxins that harm other plants Ex. The black walnut secretes a toxin that inhibits plant growth















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