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Results Management: Principles and Strategies based on the work of Gary L. Bowen, Ph.D. and Dennis Orthner, Ph.D School of Social Work University of North.

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Presentation on theme: "Results Management: Principles and Strategies based on the work of Gary L. Bowen, Ph.D. and Dennis Orthner, Ph.D School of Social Work University of North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results Management: Principles and Strategies based on the work of Gary L. Bowen, Ph.D. and Dennis Orthner, Ph.D School of Social Work University of North Carolina

2 What is Results Management? A decision management and resource allocation strategy focusing on the impact of intervention and prevention activities on clients

3 Research to Teaching So………….. w Intervention activities are only useful if they are linked to results w Activity versus Results w Shift from managing activity to managing results

4 Research to Teaching Key Concepts w Community needs and resources---inputs w Program activities---events w Program results---intermediate outcomes w Community results---indirect, not tied to any one agency

5 Research to Teaching Activity Oriented versus Results Oriented Management w Activity oriented community needs/assets activities/processes program results community result w Results oriented community needs/assets community results program results activities/processes

6 Research to Teaching Steps in the Results Management Process w Mapping the terrain w Assessing community and program results w Identifying principles of effective agency practice w Developing a community action plan

7 Research to Teaching Mapping the Terrain w Charting the current status of the agency in the community, and responsiveness to community needs w Mission statement w The motor vehicle metaphor type and options trade in value gauges tune up is this what you need?

8 Research to Teaching Mapping the Terrain w Stakeholder analysis 3 results each stakeholder expects from agency w Agency partners assessment w Agency “firepower” your agency FTE x 2080=total person hours/year other agencies in your community where is this power targeted?

9 Research to Teaching Mapping the Terrain w Resource allocation assessment where are personnel and non-personnel resources used? w Organizational culture profile team orientation innovation outcome orientation customer orientation community involvement

10 Research to Teaching Assessing Community and Program Results w Asset-based perspective w Defining the ideal results w Defining minimal acceptable results w Comparing with actual results w Clear and standardized assessment, e.g. Community Assets Inventory community results program results

11 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Community Leaders w Agency leaders seek out and develop relationships with key community leaders and staff interact with key community leaders in official and social events w Community leaders are encouraged to use agency facilities for informal functions w Agency services are regularly offered through community-sponsored events held in the community

12 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Community Leaders w Agencies partner with each other to provide community support encourage and support community leaders’ efforts to link community members to formal services make use of community information paths to inform members about key programs

13 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Mobilizing Informal Community w Agencies assess the concerns about community issues that members have know where their customers live via charts/maps develop profiles and information on their clients and families provide specific support to enhance the strength of informal community during times of adversity facilitate the ability of community members to provide informal support to each other

14 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Mobilizing Informal Community w Agency staff interact with community members through community events w Agency designs events and activities to foster connection among community members and families w Community members are utilized to deliver programs and services to other members and families w The informal community network is linked to key formal services

15 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Interagency Collaboration w Agency staffs have a shared vision of collaboration built on enlightened self- interest w Partner agencies recognize that collaboration must be built around results w Leaders are clear about specific roles and responsibilities w Leadership is stable and effective w Leaders garner and maintain high levels of commitment to the collaboration

16 Research to Teaching Principles of Effective Agency Practice: Interagency Collaboration w Partners understand each other’s cultures and business operations w Leaders assure that meeting time is productive, not routine w Partners provide regular communication and team building to sustain momentum w Partners regularly consider innovation and new directions for the collaboration w The partnership conducts ongoing monitoring and evaluation

17 Research to Teaching Developing and Implementing a Community Action Plan w Using learning from all prior steps w Use logic model to develop plan w Identify partnership requirements w Consider agency resources w Align organizational culture w Monitor agency performance

18 Research to Teaching Logic Model and a Plan w Community result goal, stated from perspective of community member leads to w Program result goals, stated from agency perspective lead to w Program activities, stated from perspective of intervention agent

19 Research to Teaching Developing and Implementing a Community Action Plan w Community Partnerships Based on plan, identify needed partners Identify their role and activities w Allocate Resources revisit current agency resource allocations realign to support critical activities of plan

20 Research to Teaching Developing and Implementing a Community Action Plan w Aligning Organizational Culture Towards Change Does organizational culture support new goals and activities? Staff develop behavioral plan to align culture and goals w Monitoring and Evaluating Agency Performance Remember results, not activities Regular data collection, from multiple sources Standard forms or tools Use the information for ongoing outcome improvement

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