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Mole Calculations 2.

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1 Mole Calculations 2

2 Molar Mass The atomic mass of an element is the relative mass compared to Hydrogen. The unit is the atomic mass unit or amu. The molar mass is the mass of one mole of particles and the unit is grams/mole.

3 Formula Mass (amu) Molar Mass (g/mol)
1H 1.0 amu 1.0 g/mole 4.0 amu 4.0 g/mole He CO2

4 The molecular mass is the molar mass of a covalent
Compound. CO2 1 ( 12.0 amu) + 2 (16.0 amu) = 44.0 amu

5 Formula Mass (amu) Molar Mass (g/mol)
1H 1.0 amu 1.0 g/mole 4.0 amu 4.0 g/mole He 44.0 amu 44.0 g/mole CO2 Fe2O3

6 The formula mass is the molar mass of an ionic
compound. Fe2O3 2 (55.8 amu) + 3 (16.0 amu) = amu

7 Formula Mass (amu) Molar Mass (g/mol)
1H 1.0 amu 1.0 g/mole 4.0 amu 4.0 g/mole He 44.0 amu 44.0 g/mole CO2 159.6 g/mole Fe2O3 297.4 g/mole Ni2(CO3)3 Al(NO3)3 .5H2O

8 Al(NO3)3 .5H2O 1 ( 27.0) + 3 (14.0) + 9 (16.0) (1.01) + 5 (16.0) Al N O H O 303.1 g/mole Note H is 1.01 due to 1H and 2H

9 Formula Mass (amu) Molar Mass (g/mol)
H 1.0 amu 1.0 g/mole 4.0 amu 4.0 g/mole He 44.0 amu 44.0 g/mole CO2 297.4 g/mole Fe2O3 297.4 g/mole Ni2(CO3)3 303.1 g/mole Al(NO3)3 .5H2O

10 The molar mass is a new conversion factor that can convert between grams and moles
Avogadro’s number is another conversion factor that can convert between moles and particles Particles Moles Grams 1.00 mole = 6.02 x 1023 particles Molar Mass From Periodic Table ? g / mole

11 Convert 56.6 grams of C to moles.
x mole = moles 12.0 g Don’t forget sig figs! 3 sig figs

12 Convert 6.9 moles of PbO2 into grams
x g = 1.7 x 103 g 1 mole

13 Two Step Mole Calculations

14 Convert 2.00 g CH4 into molecules
grams moles molecules 2.00 g CH4 x mole x x 1023 molecules = x 1022 molecules 16.04 g 1 mole

15 Convert 9.56 x 1026 molecules Cl2 into grams.
moles grams 9.56x1026 molec Cl2 x 1 mole x g = x 105 g 6.02 x 1023 molec 1 mole

16 Convert 692.5 grams Na2CO3 into formula units.
g moles formula units 692.5 g Na2CO3 x mole x x 1023 FU = x 1024 FU 106.0 g 1 mole

17 Convert 8.66 x 1024 formula units CaCl2 into grams
formula units moles g 8.66 x 1024 FU CaCl2 x mole x g = x 103 g 6.02 x 1023 FU 1 mole Happy Mole day to You

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