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KAM Prague 3 rd -7 th September AA Workshop Studies Abroad Projects Embrace cultural diversity!

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1 KAM Prague 3 rd -7 th September AA Workshop Studies Abroad Projects Embrace cultural diversity!


3 The European Law Students’ Association Decision Book – AA part Studies Abroad Projects (SAP) Studies abroad projects are informative events about different possibilities of studying abroad as well as reception activities for incoming foreign students.

4 The European Law Students’ Association Encourage local student to go abroad and receive those who come to your univeristy Promoting professional and personal exchange across boarders – information and reception ´


6 The European Law Students’ Association Why? To contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers. Academic? Why AA? ESN No exchange students

7 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom What kind of activities? Information meetings Already existing activities Mentor week Tandem exchange Involve S&C – institutional/study visit Social events


9 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom Opportunities Human resources Internationality Network Reputation New partners


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