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Political Map of Europe. 1. British Isles 2. Nordic Nations 3. Central Western Europe 4. Mediterranean Europe 5. Eastern Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Map of Europe. 1. British Isles 2. Nordic Nations 3. Central Western Europe 4. Mediterranean Europe 5. Eastern Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Map of Europe

2 1. British Isles 2. Nordic Nations 3. Central Western Europe 4. Mediterranean Europe 5. Eastern Europe

3 British Isles 1. England 2. Scotland 3. Wales 4. Ireland 5. Northern Ireland

4 Nordic Nations 1. Iceland 2. Norway 3. Sweden 4. Finland 5. Denmark

5 Central Western Europe 1. Andorra 2. France 3. Switzerland 4. Liechtenstein 5. Austria

6 Central Western Europe 6. Germany 7. Luxembourg 8. Belgium 9. Netherlands

7 Mediterranean Europe 1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. Monaco 4. Italy 5. Vatican City

8 Mediterranean Europe 6. San Marino 7. Greece 8. Malta 9. Cyprus

9 Eastern Europe 1. Poland 2. Slovakia 3. Hungary 4. Czech Republic

10 Eastern Europe 5. Slovenia 6. Croatia 7. Serbia 8. Bosnia and Herzegovina

11 Eastern Europe 9. Romania 10. Bulgaria 11. Macedonia 12. Albania

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