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Clot Formation Review with Animations

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1 Clot Formation Review with Animations
Nicole L. Draper, MD

2 Clot Formation Initial Steps
Primary Hemostasis Adhesion Activation (2 & 3) Aggregation Robbins Basic Pathology, 9th Edition

3 Y Y 1-Endothelial cell injury 5- Granule release reaction-
3- vWF allows adhesion of platelet to subendothelium via GPIb 1-Endothelial cell injury Y Y 5- Granule release reaction- Secretion of ADP, serotonin & calcium cause more platelets to activate and aggregate.TxA2 synthesis. ADP 2-Release of Tissue Factor begins extrinsic pathway of coag- ulation cascade. ECM exposure. 6- Coagulation cascade produces fibrin strands That trap and enmesh the platelets and other cells into a thrombus. 4- Fibrinogen bridges form by binding GPIIb/IIIa on the platelet membrane (Initial aggregation).

4 Normal Secondary Hemostasis
Coagulation Factors Anti-fibrinolytic System Coagulation Factors Anti-fibrinolytic System Natural Anticoagulants Fibrinolytic System Natural Anticoagulants Fibrinolytic System Anticoagulation and clot breakdown Clot formation and maintence

5 Secondary Hemostasis XII XI IX + VIII VII X + V Antithrombin
Negatively Charged Surface (exposed ECM or activated plt) VII X + V Tissue factor from ECM Antithrombin Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor heparins Platelets Thrombomodulin Protein C/ Protein S II Fibrinogen XIII Stable fibrin clot

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