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Preparing for Inspection Nov 2013 Primary QIO team.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Inspection Nov 2013 Primary QIO team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Inspection Nov 2013 Primary QIO team

2 Aims  To provide an overview of the revised Inspection framework.  To share clear expectations regarding documentation and the self evaluation summary.  To share effective practice.

3 What’s changed?  Doing with rather than to  Fewer schools - now 240 previously 400  Reduced notification - 2 weeks  Pilot of unannounced !!  Use of the self evaluation summary paper for scoping meeting (Mon pm). Provides areas for focused attention.  3 key questions with related QIs

4 Clear expectation that schools will:  Work in partnership with HMIe to develop open and constructive dialogue.  Provide information to ensure HMIe can report accurately, fairly and reliably.  Work with HMIe to minimise disruption, stress and bureaucracy.  Draw any concerns about process to attention promptly.  Understand HMIe will visit classes and talk to staff and partners about all key issues relating to school life.

5 Previously ‘Preparation Fortnight’ The ‘box’ has arrived. Issue questionnaires (info comes with box) Provide documentation required in advance( 6 working days)including- Completed self evaluation summary, class timetables, etc Prepare all other documentation required for Inspection week Prepare staff,pupils Set up meetings etc

6 Preparation before ……the ‘box’ has arrived. Key documentation required all organised Visit from QIO and QIO manager to practice talking through your Self Evaluation, review evidence, visit a few classes,receive feedback

7 Task One  Read the list of documentation required in advance and for the actual Inspection week. ( appendix 3)  Appendix 4 - other documentation required  Use a 1 -3 system to evaluate how prepared you currently are One - Major preparation required Two - Slight tweaking to be ready Three - Ready now! (See copies of 8,9,10,11,12 in pack)

8 Key document -Self Evaluation summary Quest. 1 : How well do young people learn and achieve? (QI 1.1Attainment & Achievement, 2.1 Learners’ Experiences) Quest. 2 : How well does the school support children to develop and learn? (QI 5.1 Curriculum, 5.3 Meeting Learning Needs) Quest. 3 : How does the school improve the quality of its work? (QI 5.9 Self Evaluation)

9 Self evaluation summary  No more than 3 pages of A4 sent to HMIE 6 days before  Stick to the ‘high ground’  As evaluative as possible- not a descriptive commentary  Identify strengths and aspects for development  Examples of good or innovative practice  Where are you improving? How do you know?  What are the key sources of evidence to underpin improvements?  How do you priorities areas for improvement?  Must link to Increased expectations from HMIE

10 Remember …… 7 characteristics for successful implementation of Curriculum for Excellence clear plan based on self evaluation good quality support for CPD staff are working with increasing confidence with the Es and Os and know how to use these in taking a coherent approach to learning, teaching and assessment effective arrangements to assess and track progress strong and secure achievement in literacy and numeracy effective partnerships and involving parents good leadership at all levels with vision for outcomes of change.

11 And …. 6 entitlements coherent curriculum from 3 to 18 broad general education senior phase develop skills for learning, life and work personal support and challenge support in moving into positive destination

12 Q. 1 : How well do young people learn and achieve?  1.1 Improvements in performance standards of attainment over time overall quality of learners’ achievement impact of the school improvement plan includes strong and secure achievement in literacy and numeracy, skills for learning, life and work

13 and … 2.1 Learners’ Experiences The extent to which learners are motivated and actively involved in their own learning and development. quality/depth of engagement with learning in and out of class - increased responsibilities the way staff engage with learners how the school takes account of learners’ views - not just about what they learn but how. development of learners’ skills and awareness of strengths and needs

14 Learners’ experiences contd. Aifl- sharing learning intentions, success criteria active learning approaches opportunities for paired, group, collaborative work effective questioning peer and self assessment involvement in identifying next steps personal learning planning genuine personalisation of learning staff who can reflect on and evaluate their own practice

15 Q. 2 :How well does the school support young people to develop and learn? 5.1 Curriculum (increased expectations) Rationale and design principles - impact, progression The curriculum as a whole - 4 contexts Planning for continuity and progression through the BGE Planning is streamlined and not overly bureaucratic Curriculum development work Literacy, Numeracy and HWB across learning Developing realistic and manageable approaches to assessing progress and achievement across all curriculum areas Transitions Skills for learning, life and work Partnerships Profiling process including P7 profiles

16 and …… 5.3 Meeting Learning Needs tasks, activities and resources in lessons differentiation, personalisation, pace and challenge, choice identification of learning needs roles of teachers and other staff meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation

17 Q.3 : How well does the school improve the quality of its work? 5.9 Improvement through self evaluation (increased expectations) ‘Inward, Outward, Forward’ how well does the school know itself? is there a coherent, strategic approach to improvement across school? is there leadership at all levels and genuine staff empowerment? is there a high priority being given to rigorous monitoring of learning and teaching? is there a clear sense of direction? and is this reflected at all levels?

18 and …… is there commitment to self evaluation? impact of PRD and career long professional learning ? use of new GTC standards ? rigorous and systematic reflection ? responding to staff, parents, partners, learners ? joined up approach ? effective arrangements to assess and track progress and achievement though the BGE IMPACT of the above

19 Task Two - Preparing for self evaluation Individual Choose one question and, thinking of your SQIP, note down the points that you would want to discuss at a self evaluation meeting. Stick to the ‘high ground’, be evaluative and detail where examples can be found. Pairs Take 5 minutes to discuss each others self evaluation (see exemplars in pack)

20  Next steps  Gather all documentation required  Visit before Feb/Summer/Oct. Proposed dates will be negotiated with your QIO  Proposed format- self evaluation, visits to classes, review of documentation, feedback and discussion with SMT  Follow up meeting - 13th FEB (3.30)- please being along documentation gathered and be prepared to share and discuss

21 Any questions/comments?

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