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Session 12 Structure of the CPDP Book Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)

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Presentation on theme: "Session 12 Structure of the CPDP Book Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 12 Structure of the CPDP Book Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)

2 Objectives and Content Objective of Session 12: Training participants understand the structure of the CPDP Book. Content: 1. Presentation: Structure of the CPDP Book 2. Q&A 1

3 2 CPDP Book The CPDP Book is the final product of the CPDP formulation process. It is to be kept at the C/P hall, Provincial Department of Planning, and sent to the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and other relevant stakeholders.

4 3 Structure of the CPIP Book (1) Decision on promulgation of the CPDP Preface Introduction C/P map Chapter 1: Socio-Economic Situation 1.1. Socio-Economic Summary Data 1.2. Current Situation and Challenges 1.2.1. Economic Situation 1.2.2. Social Situation 1.2.3. Land Use, Natural Resources, the Environment, Disasters, and Climate Change Management Situations 1.2.4. Administrative Management, Security, and Public Order Situations

5 4 Structure of the CPIP Book (2) Chapter 2: Capital/Provincial Development Framework 2.1. Development Vision 2.2. Development Goals 2.3. Development Objectives 2.4. Development Strategy 2.4.1. Economic Development Strategy 2.4.2. Social Development Strategy 2.4.3. Land Use, Natural Resources, the Environment, Disasters, and Climate Change Management Strategy 2.4.4. Administrative Management, Security, and Public Order Strategy 2.5 Medium Term Expenditure Framework Chapter 3: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Development Plan Annexes

6 5 Decision on the promulgation of the CPDP and others Decision on the promulgation of the CPDP Preface Introduction C/P map The outlines of the four sections above can be found in the manual on the CPDP.

7 6 Chapter 1: Socio-Economic Situation (1) 1.1 Socio-Economic Summary Data Economic data and important information about the C/P are added to the table. Example Agriculture / Agro industry - Rice production/productivity, number of rice milling factories Trading (wholesale and retail) - Numbers of registered wholesalers and retailers Tourism - Numbers of hotels, restaurants, and domestic and international tourists Industry - Production of a particular industry (e.g., garment industry), number of employees, number of registered companies

8 7 Chapter 1: Socio-Economic Situation (2) 1.2 Current Situation and Challenges This section includes four components, and each component is prepared in reference to the table of prioritized situational analysis. This section is to describe the current situation and problems and their causes in a succinct manner. The descriptive sentences are prepared in reference to the Problems and Causes in the table of prioritized situational analysis.

9 8 Chapter 2: C/P Development Framework (1) 2.1. Development Vision The C/P prepares one or two positive sentences that describe the future state that the C/P would like to achieve within the term of the C/P council. This section is prepared based on the Vision of the table of the C/P development framework.

10 9 Chapter 2: C/P Development Framework (2) 2.2 Development Goals 2.3 Development Objectives Development goals describe the overall results that the C/P council expects to achieve through the implementation of the CPDP which contribute to accomplishing the Vision. Development objectives are the results that the council expects to achieve in each component through the implementation of the CPDP.

11 10 Chapter 2: C/P Development Framework (3) 2.4 Development Strategy This section is the main part of the C/P development framework and describes how to promote the development of the concerned C/P. This section is prepared based on the table of the C/P development framework. The detailed contents are introduced in “Part 4 Structure and Instructions of the CPDP Book” in the manual.

12 11 Chapter 2: C/P Development Framework (4) 2.5 Medium Term Expenditure Framework This section is to forecast the future budget and expenditure as a basis for translating the CPDP into activities, i.e., projects. The details will be informed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

13 12 Chapter 3: Monitoring and Evaluation on the Implementation of the Development Plan The details were already introduced in Session 9. The table of M&E plan is attached.

14 13 Annex Annexes are references for supporting any relevant parts of the plan. They include the following documents. Policy guidance of the C/P council on the CDPD and CPIP C/P administrative management structure Table of prioritized situational analysis Table of the C/P development framework Legal framework related to the C/P development planning Important maps such as a land use map and a map of tourist sites

15 Q&A Any questions in relation to Session 12? 14

16 15 Thank You

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