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C H A P T E R 2 Stakeholder Relationships, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance.

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1 C H A P T E R 2 Stakeholder Relationships, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance

2 Chapter Objectives To identify stakeholders’ roles in business ethics
To define social responsibility To examine the relationship between stakeholder orientation and social responsibility To delineate a stakeholder orientation in creating corporate social responsibility To explore the role of corporate governance in structuring ethics and social responsibility in business To list the steps involved in implementing a stakeholder perspective in social responsibility and business ethics

3 Chapter Outline Stakeholders Define Ethical Issues in Business
Social Responsibility and the Importance of a Stakeholder Orientation Social Responsibility and Ethics Corporate Governance Provides Formalized Responsibility to Stakeholders Implementing a Stakeholder Perspective

4 Relationships and Business
Building relationships is one of most important areas in business today Stakeholder framework Helps identify internal and external stakeholders Helps monitor and respond to needs, values, and expectations of stakeholder groups

5 What Is a Stakeholder? Customers Investors Employees Suppliers
Government agencies Communities

6 Primary vs. Secondary Stakeholders
Primary stakeholders: Those whose continued association is necessary for a firm’s survival Secondary stakeholders: Are not essential to a company’s survival

7 Social Responsibility and Ethics
Social responsibility can be viewed as a contract with society Economic Legal Ethical Philanthropic Business ethics involves carefully thought-out rules (heuristics) of conduct that guide decision making

8 Corporate Governance Accountability Oversight Control
Shareholder model Stakeholder model

9 Implementing a Stakeholder Perspective
Assessing the corporate culture Identifying stakeholder groups Identifying stakeholder issues Assessing organizational commitment to social responsibility Identifying resources and determining urgency Gaining stakeholder feedback

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