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What it means to live out this call here and now.

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Presentation on theme: "What it means to live out this call here and now."— Presentation transcript:

1 What it means to live out this call here and now

2 To explore the Theology of the Diaconate The Scriptural context for the Diaconate Historical Roles of the Deacon Developing expectations for Diaconal Ministry in the Diocese of Edmonton in a changing church

3 The Diaconate and God How does your image of God relate to the Diaconal role? What is God like ? How does God relate to God’s creation ? How does the role of the Deacon relate to this ? How did Jesus emulate the role of Deacon in his life ?

4 Scriptural Context of Diaconal Roles Acts 6-7 Question what makes you uncomfortable/comfortable about the model of the first deacon Mark 10: 35-45 Question why do you wish to be ordained a deacon John 13:1-11 Question how does this reading speak to you about the role of the deacon

5 Service and Servitude Service is: work done by one person or group that benefits another Servitude is: a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one's course of action or way of life.

6 Servitude and “Orders” Ordination means that one is ‘under orders’ Church believes God’s will and the resulting ‘orders’ are discerned in Christian community The Bishop is ‘in charge’ of the local church (Diocese) Bishop shares her authority with the local Rector and others to be accountable for work of the church- Deacon is usually accountable to same


8 Ministering as a Deacon 1 WHERE does the ministry occur – Culture – Gender – Age – Socio-economic – What kind of organization? Sensitivity to the political, legal other How would you situational problem solve within this local context) WHAT is the need being served – Building relationships-time, integrity – Tolerating ambiguity- this is a key issue know yourself

9 Where does the ministry fit in your Theology? Is this ministry congruent within your own life? What are the social justice/ health/ gender identity/workplace issues How do these issues match / differ from your own views and beliefs Ministering as a Deacon 2

10 What are the opportunities and issues for Christian mission in your life context now? Think about one to which you feel called now Partner as assigned and talk about this to each other. You have 5 minutes total so steward to your time Ministering as a Deacon 3

11 Articulating what you feel called to Where is Christ in your work right now ? Where would you like Christ to be in your work in the future ? Ministering as a Deacon 4

12 The Making of a Deacon The Process Discernment, selection, calling and sending ‘Examining Chaplains’ Formal status as a communicant of the Anglican Communion (3 yrs) Parish participation for at least one year Recommendation -committee of the parish Non stipendiary – Educational preparation to be covered separately

13 What Prep and Cont. Ed. h Theological- EFM / equivalent is standard Ministry-what additional prep. needed Spiritual-Integration of heart and head- Daily office Spiritual Direction Cont Ed.-clergy days, workshops You cannot DO deaconing. One must grow into the role of Becoming a Deacon.

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