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WELCOME TO YEAR 2 SPRING CURRICULUM EVENING CLASS 9 Teacher –Mr Moore Teaching Assistant – Miss Reynolds.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO YEAR 2 SPRING CURRICULUM EVENING CLASS 9 Teacher –Mr Moore Teaching Assistant – Miss Reynolds."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO YEAR 2 SPRING CURRICULUM EVENING CLASS 9 Teacher –Mr Moore Teaching Assistant – Miss Reynolds

2 AIMS OF THE EVENING Curriculum Overview Dates for the diary What are SATs? An outline of the tasks and tests Teacher assessment Levels The results What you can do to help Individual children will not be discussed this evening.



5 DATES FOR THE DIARY  Forest School – Friday 16 th January, Friday 6 th February, Friday 6 th March.  Cowboy Day – Wednesday 11 th February  Parent’s Evening – Monday 19 th and Tuesday 20 th January  Class Photos – Monday 2 nd March  Non-Uniform – Friday 20 th March

6 WHAT ARE SATS?  Children are assessed in; Reading Writing, spellings Mathematics.  In KS1 the emphasis is on teacher assessment, the tests support this judgement.  Judgement based on… Evidence, work, reading cards, confidence, ability etc.

7 TASKS AND TESTS Assessment Area ReadingReading paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] orReading task with teacher. Sharing a book; running record, and discussion. WritingSpelling Test [All] Long task [All] Approx 45 mins Short task [All] Approx 30 mins MathsTest paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] Chn can have help reading questions. orMaths task with teacher.

8 READING TASK:  NOT written.  Can achieve level 2 based on answers given.  Your child will read a book they have chosen from a selection and answer questions about it.  Will your child use; Phonemes? Context? Picture clues?  Is your child; understanding? Predicting?

9 READING TEST:  Taken in class groups. Involves reading a story and a non fiction text.  Your child will answer written questions that assess children's understanding.  Practice questions.  No support materials.  Look for answers in the text. Practise at home.


11 MATHS TASK:  NOT written.  1:1 teacher assessment.  Can achieve level 2 based on answers given.  Includes addition, subtraction, mathematical language, sequencing.

12 MATHS TEST:  Teacher will read out all of the questions for children slowly and can repeat 3 times.  Practice questions.  Level 2 – 100 hundred square, number line, and ruler.  Level 3 – no equipment used, purely based on maths knowledge.

13 Numbers Counting Patterns & Number Sequences Ordering and Comparing Numbers Fractions Properties of Numbers Place Value Rounding & Estimating Calculations Addition & Subtraction Doubling and Halving Multiplication & Division Solving Problems Word & Real Life Problems Investigations & Puzzles Money Problems Measures, Shape & Space Measures 2-D and 3-D Shapes Patterns & Symmetry Position & Direction Time






19 WRITING TEST: Two tasks. Short task and long task. Two different text types Long task – 45 mins approx. Short task 30 mins approx.

20 HOW ARE THEY ASSESSED? How imaginative and interesting the writing is. How appropriate the writing is to the task and for the reader. How well they sequence their ideas and information. How well they use paragraphs. How varied their sentences are (Sentence openers, connectives). The accuracy of punctuation. (. ? ! “”,) The range of vocabulary. (adjectives, adverbs) And, but, so, when, because Handwriting.

21 Example of a level 3 piece of writing Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Lily. She was only 3 and a half but she liked giants. They never scared her. Every night her mum told her a story with a giant in it but one day Lily lost her storybook in the forest. She looked under every tree. Then under one tree Lily’s mum saw a light blue glow. Lily saw it was a blue pebble and it was not scary at all. Lily’s mum picked it up and suddenly she disappeared. Suddenly Lily was scared. She used a spade to pick up the pebble, put it in her pocket and went off to find her mum.

22 TEACHER ASSESSMENT  The child's final levels are decided by externally moderated teacher assessment.  The tests are done as subtly as possible to ensure undue pressure is not placed on the children.

23 LEVELS  W = Working towards level 1  Each level has subdivisions. C – just entering the level, not yet secure B – secure in the level A – secure and moving towards next level  National Average for end of Year 2 > 2B  Level 1 and 3 subdivisions not shown on SATs results. W12c2b2a3

24 THE RESULTS  Results are reported to the LEA, after which they are then externally moderated.  The children's overall results will be included in their end of year reports.

25 WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?  Read together every day and ask questions about the story.  Use number problems in every day life, at the shops, on the bus, telling the time, etc.  Continue to work on any targets that may be discussed at parents evening.  Explicit revision is not necessary.  Children already familiar with question format through subtle teaching.  School Website School Website

26 Thank you for your time and we hope you found this information useful.

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