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Parent Workshop Wednesday 6 th November 2013. Aims To know about the key areas of Literacy, Maths and Science To become familiar with the Key Stage One.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Workshop Wednesday 6 th November 2013. Aims To know about the key areas of Literacy, Maths and Science To become familiar with the Key Stage One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Workshop Wednesday 6 th November 2013

2 Aims To know about the key areas of Literacy, Maths and Science To become familiar with the Key Stage One SAT’s Discussion about helping children with English, Maths and Science Resources Questions

3 The 3 areas of English Speaking and Listening Reading Writing- includes spelling and handwriting

4 Speaking and Listening Discuss the importance of speaking and listening with confidence- Develops their spoken language Building up their vocabulary Improve their writing

5 Reading 1. Importance of reading every day 2. Talking about books and asking questions 3. Learning vocabulary 4. Reading a wide range of books 5. Parent story telling 6. Library

6 Reading Comprehension-SAT’s Introduce the SAT’s paper Expectations- children to work independently Levels 2 and 3 Different types of questions

7 Writing- SAT’s Two writing tests- short and long These incorporate spelling (7 marks) and handwriting (3 marks) Talk about a topic – e.g. Big Write topics Planning a beginning, middle and end Independent writing VCOP

8 Questions

9 The 4 areas of Maths Problem solving Numbers and calculation Shape, space and measures Handling data

10 Problem solving Discuss the importance of mathematical vocabulary. Solving problems in everyday life – shopping, cooking etc. Thinking and Reasoning. Applying their maths skills.

11 Addition strategies – mental addition, jottings, number lines and partitioning. Subtraction - mental subtraction, jottings and number lines. Numbers and Calculations

12 Multiplication – mental methods-2,5’s and 10’s, arrays, repeated addition, number lines. Times Table Challenge. Division- practically sharing and making groups of, repeated subtraction. Numbers and calculation cont.

13 Shape, space and measures Names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Space- whole, half and quarter turns, directions and routes. Measuring – length, weight, capacity, money and time.

14 Collecting and sorting information into tables, lists and graphs. Interpreting the information by answering questions about it. Handling Data

15 SAT’s - Maths Level 1 – Practical assessment. Level 2 & 3 – Mental maths questions, followed by written questions. All questions require the children to apply their knowledge of maths.

16 Questions

17 Science No written test. Teacher assessment throughout the year.

18 Topics Materials and their properties Forces and Movement Electricity Plants and animals in the local environment Health and growth Variation- grouping, lifecycles

19 How to help your child at home Find and discuss science in everyday life. Visits- garden, park, forest, museums... Investigating at home- cooking- naming food, gardening (growth)... Reinforce everyday vocabulary- materials, properties, nature, the world...

20 School Website If you want to find out about the school curriculum click on the website. Importance of homework.

21 Questions

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