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1 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Experience and plans from running the (SCT) DAQ HEP Setting things up Calibration mode operations Physics mode operation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Experience and plans from running the (SCT) DAQ HEP Setting things up Calibration mode operations Physics mode operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Experience and plans from running the (SCT) DAQ HEP Setting things up Calibration mode operations Physics mode operation Transitions Recovery Modifying configurations What to do better?

2 2 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ The good news!

3 3 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Overview Almost all things were possible with enough expert hands at the wheel Focus is on what could be improved to make life easier, and to reduce down- time

4 4 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Setting things up Various mapping scans now in place: streamline checking for mapping errors –TX  RX (autoconfig) –TX  Module (Trim -> TV50 RMS) –RX  DCS (Hard reset scan) Perhaps a case for a 1-Pt QCAL scan test at “physics threshold” – look at trim? Opto tuning – improvements to algorithms –Hard reset between bins for TX current –Rx Threshold algorithm improved –Still some worries over marginal TX.

5 5 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Timing-in Good to ~few ns gross timing done by looking for top/bottom of module co- incidence –Combining statistics between modules –Relatively few stats required (few hundred cosmics) –Good agreement with “offline monitoring” Module  module done by dead reckoning (at SR1)

6 6 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Mark/Space Ratio (Clock jitter in TX) Test done for several rods in SR1 sector – enough stats to test algorithm Generally seems to work –Slow –Some funny channels –Investigations into BOC plugins proceeding Some improvements in algorithm made to attempt to flag outlying cases

7 7 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Calibration mode Can “do the job” –New response curve taken and used for SR1 cosmics tests Less fault tolerant to errors from modules –Still aborts after single module failure –To be improved? Would benefit from tools to do statistics on different modules –Nasty fudge used to combine data for timing scan –Need to be able to compare against reference set rather than just labelling “good”/”bad” modules

8 8 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Things to speed up calibration? Diagnostics from DSP greatly improved –Pick out which modules are causing problems Improved fault tolerance? –Decrease wasted down-time. Has histogram read-out slowed down? –If so where? ROD? Network? NFS demon? Quick turn-around with updated configuration (see later) Could pack trims better to reduce configuration loading to ROD by factor of ~2. –Simultaneous change needed to DSP code and to SctRodDaq

9 9 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Physics mode Standard operation of SCT HW/SW eventually good Couldn’t read out histograms during physics mode when running –And slow when paused Runs able to continue for several hours. What stopped “good” runs? –Crash of ROS/FILAR Formatter allowing “illegal” data through? –LV trips from SCT modules Reduce frequency Recover –Occasionally loss of synchronisation with TRT? Identify Add counter resets

10 10 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Non-expert operation? Work to be done in: –Detector safety (DCS) –Module initialisation –Module recovery –Information in error messages –Getting configurations to offline –Feedback on synchronisation –Other “error” states Recovery time after power failure was I think ~ 8 hours?

11 11 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Transitions Physics  Calibration transition ok for SCT alone Cal. couldn’t be done in configuration containing TRT Taking out subdetector involved lots of different resources (EventBuilder, ROS, RODs, …) I thinkTDAQ has a way to streamline this?

12 12 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Configuration tools SR1 highlighted the need for tools to compare, update and merge configurations. Chris and Bruce produced/working on some tools for xml. ‘Final’ database configuration solution now has same functionality as xml. GUI display of configuration parameters?

13 13 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Headaches ROS machine failure –Required reboot, remount, … –Possibly linked to invalid data coming from ROD –Some ideas as to what might be the cause… Occasional initialisation problems in SctRodDaq start-up –Not really investigated – replace delays in synch-init? “Full” ROD (inc. s-link) reset seems to require crate reboot (slow!) –What isn’t reset on “reset”? Module start up needs Hard Reset, and then send configs automated. –Problem: DCS hand-shaking Automation of module power cycle required (from DAQ)

14 14 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ Issues for the pit Configuration (inc. DCS) still a big area First large-scale multi-crate test Parallelism needed for analysis Much harder to reset off-detector hardware! Auto recovery required for –Modules –OPTO –DAQ systems Can we still use NFS for data transfer? Auto-archival to CASTOR through firewall? Set up of trigger chain (resets etc) through LTPs. ROD monitoring not physics-ready

15 15 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ If things don’t work Don’t just grumble to yourself… Grumble to the experts! –Wiki page: – bin/wiki.cgi/UserStories bin/wiki.cgi/UserStories –Email address: – We rarely bite and will endeavour to help!

16 16 4 July 2006 Alan Barr - SCT DAQ The good news!

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