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General Development Procedures for In- Vehicle Icons John L. Campbell Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center Seattle, Washington May 22, 2003 ITS.

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Presentation on theme: "General Development Procedures for In- Vehicle Icons John L. Campbell Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center Seattle, Washington May 22, 2003 ITS."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Development Procedures for In- Vehicle Icons John L. Campbell Battelle Human Factors Transportation Center Seattle, Washington May 22, 2003 ITS AMERICA May, 2003

2 2 Discussion Topics n Overview of Icon Project n Review of Icon Design Guidelines n Icon Project Summary

3 3 Overview of Icon Project 3 Project Phases n Analytical : Review current in-vehicle icon use and designer needs for human factors information for in-vehicle icons. n Empirical : Conduct experiments to address high-priority research gaps in the icon design literature. n Integrative : Develop both preliminary and final human factors design guidelines for in-vehicle icons.

4 4 Overview of Icon Project Working Group: Role in the Project n Participate in regular teleconferences to discuss project status, deliverables, and future plans n Review project reports and provide feedback n Provide relevant information and documents to the project team n Identify the needed content, organization, and format for the guidelines n Serve as reviewers for the in-progress guidelines n Provide more formal evaluation of draft guidelines handbook and IDEA software tool

5 5 Review of Icon Design Guidelines Specific Goals for the Icon Design Guidelines n Relevant to a range of in-vehicle devices and applications. n Clear and understandable to automotive designers with different backgrounds and HF knowledge. n Easy-to use during the entire icon development process. n Identify when to use in-vehicle icons. n Design aid and resource for the development and evaluation of new symbols.

6 6 Review of Icon Design Guidelines Summary of Icon Design Handbook Chapter 2: General Issues in Icon Design ( 6 Guidelines ) Chapter 3: Icon Legibility ( 5 Guidelines ) Chapter 4: Icon Recognition ( 6 Guidelines ) Chapter 5: Icon Interpretation ( 8 Guidelines ) Chapter 6: The Auditory Presentation of In-Vehicle Information ( 11 Guidelines ) Chapter 7: Evaluating In-Vehicle Icons ( 6 Guidelines ) Chapter 8: Icon Collection ( Candidate/Sample Icons for >400 IVIS messages )

7 7 Review of Icon Design Guidelines General Presentation Format

8 8 Icon Legibility Sample Guideline: Designing Effective Text Labels Low Clearance Ahead Effective Use of Text Label Overheight vehicles take another route around restricted clearance. Ineffective Use of Text Label Use both uppercase and lowercase letters. Avoid using italics to emphasize words. The space between lines should be at least 1/30 the line length. Make the type >0.27 degrees visual angle. Use a clear and simple font. Keep text labels brief - use no more than 2 to 3 words.

9 9 Icon Recognition Sample Guideline: Perceptual Principles of Icon Design Icon Design ParameterRecommendationDo This……Not This Figure/Ground RelationshipEmphasize a clear, stable, and solid relationship between the elements of the symbol and its background. Figure EdgesRelatively solid shapes are better than thin or dotted-line edges unless the element in question depicts action or movement. ClosureUse closed figures without discontinuous lines, outlines, or disjointed elements that can result in a fragmented figure. SimplicityIcons should be simple with only the necessary detail included. Removal of these details should result in low recognition. UnityAll parts of the symbol should be enclosed within a single boundary

10 10 Icon Interpretation Sample Guideline: Identifying Icons as Part of a Group

11 11 Auditory Presentation of In-Vehicle Information Sample Guideline: Determining the Appropriate Auditory Signal FUNCTIONSEXAMPLE MESSAGE SIMPLE TONES EARCONS AUDITORY ICONS SPEECH MESSAGES Status Indication Navigation system on and functioning Good FairPoor Alerting (Attentional) Generic warning indicator (to divert attention to a display) GoodFairPoor Warning (Informational) Rear-end collision avoidance warning indicator FairPoorGoodFair Presentation of Qualitative Information Location of next available lodging Poor Good Presentation of Quantitative Information Cost of upcoming toll bridge Poor Poor-FairGood

12 12 Evaluation of Guidelines Sample Guideline: Overview of Evaluation Procedures

13 13 Icon IDEA: Icon Development and Evaluation Assistant A searchable database of 431 icons, organized by specific in-vehicle system functions and subfunctions, Evaluation scores for each of the icons in the database that reflect critical human factors design characteristics of the icons, Recommendations for improving the design of icons evaluated by the IDEA tool, Comprehension ratings from 160 experimental subjects for a subset of the icons, and The ability to add and evaluate new icons.

14 14 Icon Project Summary n Key Products Icon Design Guidelines IDEA Software Tool Icon Testing Procedures for SAE & ISO

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