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MarkeTrak Phase II Task Force Update to RMS April 9, 2008.

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1 MarkeTrak Phase II Task Force Update to RMS April 9, 2008

2 March 26th  Accomplishments: –Reviewed several MarkeTrak test scripts in detail  were the scripts clear  was there enough detail  concerns Action item: 10 scripts were written for the new IAG process – the market was asked to review the scripts and choose 5 to 6 scripts to be used for testing. Comments due by March 30 th. Action Item: Market Participants and ERCOT to review all scripts and provide comments for the joint meeting - TTPT and MarkeTrak Taskforce team on March 31 st. –Completed Technical Review for Release 1.

3 March 31st  Joint Meeting TTPT and MarkeTrak Taskforce Team –The following IAG scripts were selected for testing.  Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Gaining CR) Submits  Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Losing CR) Submits  ERCOT selects Invalid IAG - Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Gaining CR) Submits  Gaining CR Disagrees - Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Losing CR) Submits  Gaining CR Confirms that an Authorized Enrollment Was Received - Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Losing CR) Submits MarkeTrak Issue  Duplicate Issue Scenario - Inadvertent Gain - CR1 (Losing CR) Submits

4 March 31 st cont.  Joint Meeting TTPT and MarkeTrak Taskforce Team –All scripts were reviewed. Updates were made to enhance the testing flow of the script. –ERCOT provided a review of the scripts to confirm the flow, state names, and transitions. –Final scripts to be posted the week of April 7 th.

5 Next Meeting  April 10 th – Holiday Inn Express - 7601 E. Ben White Blvd. Austin, TX 78741  Discussion items: –Update on Test Scripts –Bulk Insert Script –Testing Orientation –User Guide sections 1, 3, 4 and 8

6 Reminders  Training Announcement - Resolving Inadvertent Gain Issues – April 17 th in Dallas  Training Announcement - Retail Market Participant Workshop - Resolving Inadvertent Gain Issues – May 16 th at ERCOT (half day)  Training Announcement - Retail Market Participant Workshop – MarkeTrak – May 16 th --including MarkeTrak Enhancements implemented in Release 1 (half day)

7 Questions

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