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Senior Design 1 Project Android Pilot Nation Stellar Sea Lions Team –Andrew Olivier –Jordan Fryer –Karen Echon –Jacob Hahn University of Portland School.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Design 1 Project Android Pilot Nation Stellar Sea Lions Team –Andrew Olivier –Jordan Fryer –Karen Echon –Jacob Hahn University of Portland School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Design 1 Project Android Pilot Nation Stellar Sea Lions Team –Andrew Olivier –Jordan Fryer –Karen Echon –Jacob Hahn University of Portland School of Engineering Advisor Dr. Steve Vegdahl Industry Representative Jason Favors Ben Foran

2 Senior Design 2 Introduction Project Android Pilot Nation is an Android application whose purpose is to create a mobile community for the University of Portland athletic fans. University of Portland School of Engineering

3 Senior Design 3 Scorecard Previous Plans –Test Central Menu and Activity Organizer –Have the first draft of our Final Report all written and turned in to our advisor –Implement and Test Calendar Activity –Implement News Feed Activity University of Portland School of Engineering

4 Senior Design 4 Completed Plans Tested Central Menu and Activity Organizer: –We were able to test the Central Menu and Activity Organizer. –Properly creates, destroys and brings activities to front and back. Got the first draft of our Final Report all written and turned in to our advisor, this was late however. Implemented News Feed Activity: –Each button brings up its own RSS Feed. –Pictures from articles are displayed. –Refresh button downloads all feeds that are not current. University of Portland School of Engineering

5 Senior Design 5 Completed Plans Implement Calendar Activity: –Connects to user’s Google account and writes events to his/her Google calendar. –Full functionality for creating events. –Still cannot delete events, but decided to let the user select how far ahead of time to write events. –Main reason is link to calendar information on Portland Pilots website is not accessible through the Android device and the RSS feeds are broken. Sidearm recently gave us a link to an ical feed which works. –Created algorithm to detect home and away games. University of Portland School of Engineering

6 Senior Design 6 Additional Accomplishments Implemented and tested Secure Storage class: –Checks user’s Google user name and password for validity, encrypts it and stores it to the phone. Tested News Feed Activity: –Found bug with refresh button not downloading feeds and was fixed. Met with client to demo application: –Client mostly pleased but seemed to want more “fun” activities. Doesn’t fully appreciate the API. –Suggested Youtube channel, or a flashlight app. Added a Help activity for the Calendar and News Feed. University of Portland School of Engineering

7 Senior Design 7 Uncompleted plans Test Calendar –Filtering of events. University of Portland School of Engineering

8 Senior Design 8 Plans for Upcoming Month Have the version 0.95 and version 1.0 of our Final Report all written and turned in to our advisor and industry reps. Test Calendar Activity. Put on Android Marketplace –Test downloading onto phones. Perform overall system testing. Present on Founder’s Day. Post mortem presentation. University of Portland School of Engineering

9 Senior Design 9 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones StatusDescriptionOriginal Target Previous Target Present Target CompleteImplement API30 Jan 11 Complete Test API 13 Feb 11 Complete Implement Central Menu and Activity Organizer 20 Feb 11 Complete Test Central Menu and Activity Organizer 6 Mar 11 Complete Implement News Feed Activity 13 Mar 11 9 Mar 11 Missed Implement Calendar Activity 13 Mar 11 30 Mar 11 Missed Final Report First Draft 13 Mar 11 25 Mar 11 Missed Test News Feed Activity 27 Mar 11 29 Mar 11 Missed Test Calendar Activity 27 Mar 11 11 Apr 11 Delayed Final Report Version 0.95 1 Apr 11 11 Apr 11 Delayed Final Report Version 1.0 8 Apr 11 15 Apr 11 On Schedule Test System 11 Apr 11 On Schedule Project Presentation 12 Apr 11

10 Senior Design 10 Concerns/Issues Testing uncovers major bugs that we might not have time to fix before Founder’s Day. University of Portland School of Engineering

11 Senior Design 11 Conclusions Calendar continued causing issues but they have been resolved. Testing is uncovering minor bugs that are currently being fixed. University of Portland School of Engineering

12 Senior Design 12 Live Demo on Android Virtual Device University of Portland School of Engineering

13 Senior Design 13 Questions? University of Portland School of Engineering

14 Senior Design 14 Understanding Milestone Dates The Milestones slide is one of the most important slides in your presentation. It can be tricky to get the dates correct. The milestones you place on this slide should come directly from your last document that has been approved to version 1.0 (functional specification or design). If this is your first program review (September) just create a milestone for the major tasks you foresee including each of the major versions of your functional specification (0.9, 0.95 and 1.0). After September, you will have more milestones than can fit on one slide. Select the five milestones whose original deadlines immediately proceed the current date and at least five more milestones that follow the current date. The Original Target date is the date when you stated you would complete this document in your functional specification or design. In September, this will be the due dates specified in the course schedule. The Previous Target date is the expected completion date you had in your last program review presentation. I.e., copy the date that was in the “Present” column in your last presentation. For your September program review, leave this column blank. The Present Target date is the date that you currently expect to complete each milestone. If the milestone is complete, then you should put the completion date here. Color code your milestones slide appropriately (see next slide) University of Portland School of Engineering

15 Senior Design 15 Color-Coding Milestones The background color of row in your milestones table should vary depending upon the status of that milestone. Use pale shades of the colors for easy readability. Red (missed)– This milestone’s Original Target date has passed since the last program review and you failed to complete the task on time. Orange (delayed) – This milestone’s Original Target date has not passed, but you believe that you will not complete the milestone on time (i.e., the Present date is later than the Original date). Yellow (behind) – You are currently behind on this milestone but have plans to catch up and meet your date. Green (completed) – This milestone has been completed by the team since the last program review and it was completed on or before the original scheduled date. White – everything else. This will include milestones you completed before the last program review. This will also include milestones that are not yet completed and don’t appear to be in any danger. University of Portland School of Engineering

16 Senior Design 16 Spring Milestones University of Portland School of Engineering StatusDescriptionOriginal Target Previous Target Present Target Implement API3 Sep 10 Test API 16 Sept 10 Implement Central Menu and Activity Organizer 20 Feb 11 Test Central Menu and Activity Organizer 6 Mar 11 Implement News Feed Activity 13 Mar 11 Implement Calendar Activity 13 Mar 11 Final Report First Draft 13 Mar 11 Test News Feed Activity 27 Mar 11 Test Calendar Activity 27 Mar 11 Final Report Version 0.95 1 Apr 11 Final Report Approved 8 Apr 11 Test System 11 Apr 11 Project Presentation 12 Apr 11

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