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AP Studio Art Portfolios in Transition to Next Generation Assessment: A Continuum of Performance Assessment Approaches CCSSO Conference June 20, 2013 Rosemary.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Studio Art Portfolios in Transition to Next Generation Assessment: A Continuum of Performance Assessment Approaches CCSSO Conference June 20, 2013 Rosemary."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Studio Art Portfolios in Transition to Next Generation Assessment: A Continuum of Performance Assessment Approaches CCSSO Conference June 20, 2013 Rosemary Reshetar, The College Board 1

2 The Studio Art Program College Level Course and Portfolio Exam  Background  Submission Requirements  Scoring  Addressing psychometric quality 2

3 The Studio Art Program (High School) College Level Course and Portfolio Exam  Designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art  No written exam  Students submit portfolios for evaluation at end of the year  Three options, corresponding to the most common college foundation courses – 2-D Design – 3-D Design – Drawing 3

4 AP Scores Reported as 1 through 5 Extremely Well Qualified (A+, A) Well qualified (A-, B+, and B ) Qualified (B-, C+, and C) 4 5 4 3 2 1 Possibly qualified No recommendation

5 – Quality, mastery of principles 5 actual works (Drawing and 2-D) 10 images of 5 works (3-D) – Concentration, thoughtful investigation of specific visual idea 12 digital images, some of which may be detail Written summary, not scored – Breadth 12 images of 12 different works (Drawing and 2- D) 16 images of 8 different works (3-D) No images to overlap with concentration submissions Portfolio Submission Requirements 5

6 AP Studio Art Portfolio Scoring …Conducted in June each year  One week  All on-site  Readers, or scorers, are AP Studio Art teachers or teachers of first year college studio art courses  In 2012: – 153 readers – 43,619 portfolios 23,591 (2-D Design) 16,188 (Drawing) 3,840 (3-D Design) 6

7 AP Studio Art Portfolio Scoring …arriving at total scores (max 72 points)  Each reader scores on a 6-point scale – Quality (3 readers) = 18 points – Concentration (2 readers) = 12 points – Breadth (2 readers) = 12 points  Quality, Breadth, and Concentration are all weighted equally, 1:1:1 – The 18 available points for Quality are multiplied by a factor of 1.3333 – The 12 available points (each) for Concentration and Breadth are multiplied by a factor of 2.0 – Total “raw” points available are then 72.  Cut scores (1 – 72) establish AP grades 1 through 5 7

8 Arriving at accurate/consistent scores… …with two moving targets Assessment Tasks Readers’ Judgments Student Performances 8 Double and triple scoring Adjudication ‘Trend scoring’ for leniency or stringency over time Directions to students and scoring guidelines stay the same every year.

9 Score Reliability and Consistency  Cutscores were set initially on 72 point scale for AP scores 1 through 5 to be indicative of college level performance in introductory course  Portfolio requirements and scoring guidelines remain the same year to year  Cutscores from prior year are used, with minor adjustments if needed based on trend scoring 9

10 Thank you! More information can be found at 10

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