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外研英语七年级上册 数学 6:00 It is six o’clock. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

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Presentation on theme: "外研英语七年级上册 数学 6:00 It is six o’clock. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)"— Presentation transcript:


2 外研英语七年级上册 数学


4 6:00 It is six o’clock. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

5 8:00 It is eight o’clock. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

6 12:00 It is twelve o’clock. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

7 It is half past ten. It is ten thirty. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

8 It is half past two. It is two thirty. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

9 It is eight past five. It is five eight. 5:08 What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

10 8: 29 It is twenty-nine past eight. It is eight twenty-nine. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

11 It is five to ten. It is nine fifty-five. What time is it? What’s the time?

12 It is ten to three. It is two fifty. What time is it? What’s the time?

13 It is a quarter past one. It is one fifteen. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

14 It is a quarter past six. It is six fifteen. What time is it? What’s the time? ( 现在是几点 ?)

15 9:30 7:00 6:40 7:15 What time is it? What’s the time? It’s … 6:45


17 Find a subject to match the picture. musicscience maths computer Chinese art

18 historyEnglish P.E chemistry

19 语文 英语 美术化学 历史 科学数学 Englishartmaths Chinese chemistryhistory science We have these lessons.

20 历史 12 6 93 化学 12 6 93 英语 12 6 93 语文 12 6 93 When is your history lesson? It’s at two o’clock It’s at half past four

21 Listen and answer. 1.What day is it today? 2.What subject does Betty like best? It’s Friday. She likes history best.

22 Read the text then check the true sentences: 1. Daming and Lingling have a Chinese lesson at half past eight. ( ) 2. Daming’s maths lesson is at ten o’clock. ( ) 3. Lingling’s art lesson is at one o’clock. ( ) 4. Lingling and Daming don’t have history today. ( ) 5. Betty’s science lesson is at half past ten. ( ) 6. Betty’s favourite lesson is art. ( ) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖

23 Daming 8:00 _____________ 9:00 _____________ 10:00 _____________ Lingling 11:30 _____________ 1:30 ______________ 2:30 ______________ Betty 9:00 ________________ 10:30 ________________ in the afternoon ___________ Listen and fill in the balcks. has Chinese has science has maths has chemistry has art has an English lesson has English has science has art and history

24 Timetable( 课表 ) Class 5 Grade 1 Mon TueWedThuFri 8:00EnglishmathsChinese 8:50Chinese mathsChineseEnglish 10:10 mathsEnglishP.E.maths 11:00P.E.mathsForeign teacher’s EnglishP.E. 13:10historycomput er biologygeogra- phy politics 14:00politicsEnglishhistorybiology 15:10biologymusicself- studying artschool- based

25 I like maths. I have maths at ten o’clock. 数学 美术 We like art. We have art at half past one. I don’t like maths. I don’t have maths at ten o’clock. We don’t like art. We don’t have art at half past one. 我们不喜欢! 我不喜欢! Talk about your school life.

26 Work in pairs. Talk about your lessons. 1.What day is it today? It is…… 2. What are your lessons? We have …… We don’t have…… 3. What’s your favourite lesson? My favourite lesson is English. 4. When is your English lesson? We have our English lesson at eight o’clock.

27 1. We have lunch ____ 12. A. at B. on C. in 2. Tom doesn’t have English at half ____ nine. A. to B. past C. at 3. It’s ______ to one now. A. half B. twenty-one C. fifty 4. I get up at a _____ past six. A. fifteen B. half C. quarter 5. ____ Tom have maths? A. Does B. Is C. Do 6. Lily _____ have English today. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. isn’t

28 Language practice e.g: I talk to my friends. I __________(not talk) to my friends. 1 、 You have dinner in the evening. You ___________(not have) dinner in the evening 2 、 We have art and history. We___________(not have) art and history. 3 、 They start at eight o’clock. They _________(not start) at eight o’clock. don’t talk don’t have don’t start

29 1 、 - 今天星期几? - 今天星期三。 ______________ today? _______ Wednesday today. 2 、你们在八点半上数学课吗? Do you have maths _______________? 3 、历史是我最喜爱是科目。 _______ is my _______________. 4 、玲玲喜欢化学吗? _____ Lingling _______ chemistry? 5 、今天我们不用上美术课。 We ____________ art today. What day is it It’s at half past eight History favourite lesson Does like don’t have

30 完成下列句子 1 、他们在谈论有关美国的事情。 They ________________ America. 2 、踢足球,怎么样? ______________________ football? 3 、现在 2 : 30 吗? ___________________ two? 4 、他喜欢化学还是历史? _____ he _______ chemistry _____ history? 5 、我们在 8 : 00 上美术课。 We ___________________ eight o’clock. are talking about How / What about playing Is it half past Does like or have art at

31 完成下列句子: 1. 今天星期几? today? 2. 我们八点钟上语文。 We. 3. 他们不喜欢数学. They. 4. 我们没有化学。你呢? We. ? 5. 我们的英语课在九点半钟。 Our English lesson is _________________________. What day is (it) have Chinese at eight o’clock don’t like maths don’t have chemistryWhat about you at half past nine

32 先小时, 后分钟先分钟, 后小时 表示整点, 可 加上 o’clock nine o’clock <30 分钟 seven thirteenthirteen past seven =30 分钟 six thirtyhalf past six >30 分钟 four thirty-twotwenty-eight to five =15 分钟 seven fifteena quarter past seven =45 分钟 twelve forty-fivea quarter to one

33 Expression of the time. ( 时间的表达法 ) 一、整点 : 整点钟+ o’clock 例如: ten o’clock 1) 时间未过半 : 分钟+ past +点钟 例如: 9:10=ten past nine 2) 时间刚好一半 : half past + 点钟 例如 : 9:30= half past nine 3) 时间已过半 : ( 60− 分钟 ) + to + ( 点钟 +1) 例如 : 8:50=(60 −50)+to+(8+1)=ten to nine 1. 顺读法:直接说数字,先说小时数, 后说分钟数 例如: eight ten ( 8 : 10 )八点十分 二、含有小时和分钟: 2. 逆读法:

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