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ColorsColors Primary colors are easy to see. How many are there? Only three!

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2 ColorsColors Primary colors are easy to see. How many are there? Only three!

3 Primary ColorsPrimary Colors Yellow Blue Red

4 More Colors Making a primary just takes one. No mixing is needed- it’s already done! But put them together and soon you will see, more colors are made from just these three!

5 Secondary Colors Blue, yellow and red make all other hues Let's start with secondary colors and make just a few.

6 Mixing PrimariesMixing Primaries First look at the color you have to make. Then click on two primaries you think it will take. games/mix_and_paint/mix_and_pai nt.html games/mix_and_paint/mix_and_pai nt.html

7 Tints Some colors are dark. Some colors are light. You can mix in some black. You can mix in some white. When you make a color lighter you call it a tint. Just add some red to your white and white will turn pink.

8 Shades If you need a darker color, then you need a shade. Just add some black and see what you have made.

9 Coloring Fun Lets have some fun and see if you can become a coloring master. // online free coloring pages for kids

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