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Chapter 7 Method Determination. 7.1 Introduction to method determination 7.2 Creating draft method 7.3 Adjusting draft method 7.4 Finalizing the method.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Method Determination. 7.1 Introduction to method determination 7.2 Creating draft method 7.3 Adjusting draft method 7.4 Finalizing the method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Method Determination

2 7.1 Introduction to method determination 7.2 Creating draft method 7.3 Adjusting draft method 7.4 Finalizing the method 7.5 Examples 7.6 Exercises

3 7.1 Introduction to method determination (1) - New idea will be useless, unless you create the method following the idea. - The method or model following the idea should be applicable by other people. - The method or model should be explained in step by step or in processes that people can apply in their conditions. - The idea without method is not ensured to be effective.

4 7.1 Introduction to method determination (2) - To make the idea into the detail (method) is important. - You do not need to create the perfect method at the first step. - You should not give up to turn PDCA in order to improve your draft method.

5 7.2 Creating draft method (1) To create the draft method, you should not expect the perfect ones at the first step. - Write down your draft method in a paper. - Do not skip steps to think of perfect ones.--> difficult to think out the perfect one. - Do not be ashamed when you create poor methods.

6 7.2 Creating draft method (2) - The important thing is to improve the draft methods many times. - First step.... Define the input and output of the system - Second step... Divide the system into rough processes. - Third step... Break the processes into step levels. -Fourth step... Simulate by inputting data and investigate the results.

7 7.2 Creating draft method (3) Example Durian Maturity Determination System Syste m Ultrasonic Signal Matur e or Immat ure Determining the input data, system and output data.

8 7.2 Creating draft method (4) To break the idea into rough processes.... Process 1 Input the ultrasonic signal Process 2 Receive the response Process 3 Amplify the response Process 4 Compare the signal in Process 3 and standard

9 7.2 Creating draft method (5) Process 5 Determining the similarity with the standard Process 6 Output the results ---> Employ the draft method as dummy to improve later. ---> Make the draft one into more detail until step levels

10 7.3 Adjusting draft method (1) - You should confirm the inputs and outputs of all processes following the sequence of processes. - Reduce the redundant steps and processes. - Replace the processes by more appropriate ones. - Reorder the sequence of steps and processes.

11 7.3 Adjusting draft method (2) Example Calcification Detection Step 1 Input image Step 2 Edge Detection Step 3 Filtering the high frequency components Step 4 Output the results Here we can replace step 3 by wavelet and reorder step 2 and 3 in order to correct the process.

12 7.3 Adjusting draft method - Determining the issues and view points such as accuracy, speed, cost, etc. - Try to replace the process by new algorithm, reorder the processes, and reduce the redundant processes. - Confirm the data following the flow of processes. - Repeat several times and ask someone to monitor.


14 7.6 Exercises



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