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 List and describe three amendments AFTER the Bill of Rights (1-10) that had a major impact on American society. FOCUS.

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Presentation on theme: " List and describe three amendments AFTER the Bill of Rights (1-10) that had a major impact on American society. FOCUS."— Presentation transcript:

1  List and describe three amendments AFTER the Bill of Rights (1-10) that had a major impact on American society. FOCUS

2  1954—France leaves Vietnam  US does not want Southeast Asia to fall to communism  Domino theory  belief that if one country in an area became communist, others would follow  US supports South Vietnam against North Vietnam THE VIETNAM WAR 1954-1975

3  South Vietnam’s government is weak and unpopular  The U.S. supports Diem because he is anti-Communist THE VIETNAM WAR

4  1961—JFK sends 16,000 “advisors” to Vietnam to train army  Kennedy was considering pulling troops out of Vietnam  1963—Diem assassinated 1 month before Kennedy  1964—new President Lyndon B. Johnson takes aggressive stand on Vietnam VIETNAM WAR

5  1964—Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  Congress gives President power to operate war in Vietnam  Leads to escalation of war in Vietnam VIETNAM WAR

6  1965-66  Hundreds of thousands of US troops are sent to Vietnam  The public was told the war was being won  By 1967, nearly 500,000 US troops were in Vietnam  People began to question the war—why more troops if we’re winning?  1968—Tet Offensive by N. Vietnam shows the U.S. is not winning the war VIETNAM WAR

7  Students were the major group of antiwar protesters  Many musicians and celebrities also protested the war  Argued that young people could be sent to war at 18, but could not vote  Led to 26 th amendment in 1971  Changes voting age from 21 to 18 ANTIWAR PROTEST

8  1968 was a turning point  Protests increased  Johnson decided not to run for re-election  Anti-war leaders Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King are assassinated  Richard Nixon wins the election by promising “peace with honor” in Vietnam VIETNAM WAR

9  Explain three causes of the American Revolution in 1776. DO NOW REVIEW

10  Nixon established a new policy to end the war  Vietnamization  Turn over the fighting to South Vietnam’s troops  Nixon also increased bombing of N. Vietnam to try to get them to give up fighting  1970—The U.S. secretly bombs Cambodia VIETNAM WAR

11  Kent State Massacre  April 1970  Students protesting bombing are attacked by National Guard troops  4 killed KENT STATE MASSACRE

12  The US and N. Vietnam negotiate a treaty to end the war in 1973  58,000 Americans died in Vietnam  1,000,000 or more Vietnamese died  1973—War Powers Act  Check on President’s power  President can only send troops to a country for 90 days  Congress needs to authorize longer than that END OF THE VIETNAM WAR

13  1975—last US troops leave Vietnam  North Vietnam takes control of entire country  US fails to contain communism  Vietnam has major impact on US foreign policy  Détente with the Soviet Union—1970s  No war until 1991 LEGACY OF VIETNAM

14  Explain how the Vietnam War was part of the US policy of containment during the Cold War.  Was the Vietnam War a success or failure of the policy of containment? CLOSING

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