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找出相關文獻 101-5-15. 2.1 Establish the reference list  We have learned the Pubmed and Endnote!  Next  A systemic approach for literature review  Use “MeSH”

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Presentation on theme: "找出相關文獻 101-5-15. 2.1 Establish the reference list  We have learned the Pubmed and Endnote!  Next  A systemic approach for literature review  Use “MeSH”"— Presentation transcript:

1 找出相關文獻 101-5-15

2 2.1 Establish the reference list  We have learned the Pubmed and Endnote!  Next  A systemic approach for literature review  Use “MeSH” term: MeSH: Medical Subject Headings Search from the “keywords” in the abstract part



5 Box2.1 說明相關文獻辨認程序的流程圖

6 Box2.2 重要的健康照護研究資料庫 (1/2) Related articles By authors Clinical queries

7 Box2.2 重要的健康照護研究資料庫 (2/2)

8 Bloolean logic 布林邏輯運算元 (Boolean Operators): UseTo AND Narrow search and retrieve records containing all of the words it separates. OR Broaden search and retrieve records containing any of the words it separates. The | can be used instead of 'or' (e.g., 'mouse | mice | rat' is equivalent to 'mouse or mice or rat'). NOT Narrow search and retrieve records that do not contain the term following it. ( ) Group words or phrases when combining Boolean phrases and to show the order in which relationships should be considered: e.g., '(mouse or mice) and (gene or pseudogene)

9  (roussear or 盧梭 ) and language*  (china or hong kong) and (special education and not gifted)  母語教學 and 調查報告  (stroke or ischemic stroke) and radiotherapy  Stroke NOT surgery

10 About study design  Specialist collections in The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)  Research registers:


12 Pubmed clinical queries

13 What else?  Conference proceedings  SINGLE: System for Information on Grey Literature  Index Medicus  Excerpta Medica  Dissertation Abstracts: Dissertations and theses  CINAHL : Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature  Unpublished data from drug manufacturer  Google scholar  Organizing Medical Networked Information:



16 Box2.3 如何擬定搜尋電子書目性資料庫的檢索詞彙組合 (1/4)

17 Box2.3 如何擬定搜尋電子書目性資料庫的檢索詞彙組合 (2/4)

18 Box2.3 如何擬定搜尋電子書目性資料庫的檢索詞彙組合 (3/4)

19 Box2.3 如何擬定搜尋電子書目性資料庫的檢索詞彙組合 (4/4)

20 2.2 Set up your library  EndNote  Reference Manager  Procite

21 2-3. Selection of related studies  Selection criteria:  不同族群  不同介入措施  何種研究設計該收入  結果 ( 血壓有無降低或降低多少 mmHg)  Two reviewers double check

22 這是 cohort study 這僅是 follow-up study 看來, 是 retrospective cohort

23 Box2.4 研究選取標準若干範例 (1/3)

24 Box2.4 研究選取標準若干範例 (2/3)

25 Box2.4 研究選取標準若干範例 (3/3)

26 2.4 Publication bias  5-14 scan 5-1

27 Thanks for your attention!

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