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Michael Smy UC Irvine Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos 8 th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams & Betabeams Irvine, California, August.

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1 Michael Smy UC Irvine Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos 8 th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams & Betabeams Irvine, California, August 25 th 2006

2 Cast of Characters

3 50kt Water Cherenkov Detector with 11,146 20”  PMTs located in Kamioka mine at 36.43 0 N latitude and 137.31 0 longitude ~2,400 m.w.e underground Super-Kamiokande April 1996-July 2001: (SK-I) Accident in November 2001 during maintenance Jan. 2003-Oct. 2005: SK-II (half PMT density) July 2006 – (SK-III) many physics topics; solar, atmospheric & accelerator ’s, proton decay Courtesy Y. Oyama

4 Super-K Is Repaired! Michael Smy, UC Irvine began in fall 2005… …now finished! Village of Dou near Atotsu Mine Entrance Mozumi Mine Entrance …despite some weather problems!

5 Sudbury Neutrino Observatory 1kt Heavy Water+ 7kt Light Water Cherenkov Detector with 9,438 8”  PMTs located in Creighton mine at 46.47 0 N latitude and 81.2 0 W longitude ~6,000 m.w.e underground November 1999-June 2001 (measurement with pure D 2 O) June 2001-October 2003 (NaCl dissolved to improve neutron eapture efficiency) ~April 2004- (with neutral current detector array) Mainly solar neutrinos

6 Other Experiments Homestake Soudan 2 MACRO SAGE Solar Solar Atmospheric Atmospheric Solar Solar

7 Neutrino Sources and Oscillations Mixing- Matrix: Michael Smy, UC Irvine

8 2H2H p n e+e+ p I Solar Neutrinos Michael Smy, UC Irvine n e-e- p p 2H2H p 3 He p 7 Be 4 He 7 Be 4 He 8B8B p e-e- 7 Li e+e+ 4 He * 8 Be 4 He * 8 Be p 3 He 4 He p n e+e+

9 Solar Neutrino Detection - e only - D: Q = 1.445 MeV; good measurement of e energy, some direction info  (1 – 1/3 cos  ) - Cl: Q=0.8 MeV (radio-chemical) - Ga: Q=0.233 MeV (radio-chemical) - equal cross section for all active types - Q = 2.22 MeV - measures total 8 B flux from the Sun NC xx    npD ES    e−e− e−e− x - mainly sensitive to e, some  and  - strong directional sensitivity CC e−e− (n-1,p+1) (n,p)   e x Based on: K. Graham, ICHEP06 in SNO + in Cherenkov Detector

10 Solar Spectrum from Solar Model Michael Smy, UC Irvine KamLAND

11 Solar Candidates above 5 MeV Michael Smy, UC Irvine

12  14 CC-NC separation cos  sun CC NC ES SNO Signal Extraction maximum likelihood fit of model PDF’s to data event variables R (radial position)  14 (isotropy) cos  sun and E(energy) ES separation don’t use E  “energy-unconstrained”  fit out CC spectrum! K. Graham, ICHEP06

13 Solar Problem Michael Smy, UC Irvine

14 SNO Results from NaCl Phase Flux Results CC 2176+/-78 ES 279+/-26 NC2010+/-85 #EVENTS 4722 candidate events 391 live days Neutrino Flavour Change! Day/Night Asymmetry Based on: K. Graham, ICHEP06

15 Solar Neutrino Problem Explained by SNO and Super-K as Neutrino Flavor Conversion!

16 Recoil Electron Spectrum Michael Smy, UC Irvine 8 B MC only  8 B =2.33x10 6 /cm 2 s  hep =15x10 3 /cm 2 s MC: A DN =-1.8±1.6±1.2% A DN =-6.3±4.3%(stat)

17 SNO CC Spectrum no significant sterile or NSI effects Based on: K. Graham, ICHEP06

18 Solar 95% 99.73% KamLAND Solar+KamLAND Michael Smy, UC Irvine Solar Neutrino Oscillation Parameters

19 Solar Neutrino Future Measurements SNO NCD phase will produce smaller error on NC Lower energy real-time 8 B neutrino measurement in SK-III (and SNO) studies transition from vacuum oscillation to matter-dominated oscillations Borexino (and KamLAND) measure 7 Be flux SNO+ looks at pep flux various projects to measure pp flux in real time

20 II Atmospheric Neutrinos/Neutrino Beams Michael Smy, UC Irvine

21 Atmosph. Oscillations 1489 live days of SK-I and 804 live days of SK-II only muon-like single ring events cut out low energy events and events near horizon (poor resolution in L): uncertainty in L/E is set to be <70% best fit  ↔  : sin 2 2  =1.00,  m 2 =2.3x10 -3 eV 2,  2 =83.9/83dof -decay:  2 =23.2 or 4.8  -decoher.:  2 =27.6 or 5.3  oscill. decay decoh. Michael Smy, UC Irvine

22 All SK Atmospheric Data Samples FC 1ring e-like FC mring e-like FC 1ring -like FC mring -like PC stop PC thru up-  stop P lep Sub-GeV Multi-GeV CC e CC  38 event type and mom. bins x 10 zenith bins x 2 exp.  760 bins! up-  thru up-  show. slightly slightly better constraint on mixing angle… … but solar osc. terms affects electron samples true, even if  13 =0 especially affects deviation from max. mixing include solar term best-fit : sin 2  23 = 0.52 (sin 2 2  23 = 0.9984) Best Fit:  m 2 = 2.5 x 10 -3 eV 2 sin 2 2  = 1.00  2 = 839.7 / 755 dof (18%) Preliminary Michael Smy, UC Irvine

23 Zenith angle distributions (SK-I + SK-II) Sub-GeV e-like Sub-GeV -like Multi-GeV e-like Multi-GeV -like multi-ring e-like multi-ring -like PC stoppingPC thru-going UP through non-showering UP stopping showering data MC (no osc.) MC (best-fit w/ solar terms) Preliminary Michael Smy, UC Irvine

24 Three Flavour Oscillation Analysis 1489d; Normal Hierarchy 1489d; Inverse Hierarchy

25 Sterile Admixture Limit

26 Other Atmospheric Measurements PRD 72, 052005 (2005)

27 Future Atmospheric Measurements SK-III will improve L/E measurements and  appearance analaysis MINOS distinguishes atmospheric neutrinos from antineutrinos INO, a 50kt magnet. iron experiment A. Samanta, ICTP 2006/A. Dighe, ICHEP 2006 Magnetic field ~ 1 Tesla along  y-direction P. Litchfield, Neutrino 2006

28 Conclusion we learned a lot about neutrino oscillations from solar and atmospheric neutrinos (everything we know, except  m 2 12 !) still not finished, so stay tuned

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