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Strategic Overview of policies to deliver the 80% emissions reduction target Cameron Maxwell Climate Change Division, the Scottish Government Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Overview of policies to deliver the 80% emissions reduction target Cameron Maxwell Climate Change Division, the Scottish Government Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Overview of policies to deliver the 80% emissions reduction target Cameron Maxwell Climate Change Division, the Scottish Government Sustainable Development Commission Scotland: Climate Change Seminars, 6 November 2008

2 UK Climate Change Bill Sets 80% emissions reduction target by 2050 All GHG gases Establishes the Committee on Climate Change CCC to provide advice to UK Gov.t and DAs Creates five yearly carbon budgets

3 Scottish Climate Change Bill 80% emissions reduction target in 2050 Interim 50% target in 2030 Statutory framework based on annual targets –Set more than 10 years in advance –Based on advice from CCC All GHG gases Includes international aviation and shipping Introduced by the end of 2008

4 The size of the challenge Land Use, Land Use Change & Forestry 2005 2050 Agriculture Energy Supply Transport Business (incl. industrial processes) Residential Public Waste

5 80% 20% On/off shore wind Eco-driving Afforestation ? Population growth Economic growth ? ? ? ? Buildings standards EU ETS ? Energy efficiency Marine and tidal energy Carbon capture and storage ? ? ? ?? ? Carbon Reduction Commitment ?

6 Overview Objectives To deliver a high level discussion document for publication in 2009 –key sectors for abatement –high level policy options –short (2012), medium (2020) and long term (2030 and 2050) –highlighting key milestones –barriers to implementation To stimulate discussion and analysis within the SG on potential pathways to 80% target

7 Sources of information Committee on Climate Change AEA Mitigation Report Stern Review Internal SG policy analysis

8 Committee on Climate Change Interim advice Energy efficiency improvement in buildings and industry Decarbonisation of the power sector Transport sector decarbonisation Heat sector decarbonisation Decarbonisation of industry

9 AEA Mitigation Report Assumes delivery of existing and planned policies Improved vehicle technologies and Smarter Choices CCS for energy generation and industry Increased forest area Renewable heat Buildings energy efficiency

10 Stern Review 3 essential elements Establish a carbon price –Tax, trading, regulation Develop low carbon, high efficiency technologies –Cost of technologies fall with scale and experience Removal of barriers to behavioural change –Regulatory measures, information policies, shared understanding

11 Carbon assessment To judge the carbon impact of spending High level project –Contracted with Pricewaterhouse Coopers –Examine carbon associated with high level SG spend –International workshop on 24/25 th November Individual level project –review current carbon assessment work across SG and public bodies –Apply Defra carbon assessment tool to policies/ projects

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