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How to create a successful poster for the Group 4 Project

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1 How to create a successful poster for the Group 4 Project
BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

2 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Before you begin.... BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

3 Aims of a Scientific Poster
To deliver clear information... … in a Scientific way Be highly visual Be easily read from 1 or 2 metres away BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

4 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Common problems Text is too small Poor quality graphics, tables and graphs Poor organisation Main and significant points are too difficult to find Too ‘arty’ and not scientific BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

5 What to consider before starting
What is the most important information you are trying to put across? What diagrams, tables and graphs will you need? Who is your audience? Year 12, Year 11, parents and teachers Create a rough, planning design of what you want your final poster to look like BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

6 The Design Above all, be CREATIVE!
BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

7 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
General Points Measure your poster. How much room do you have for each section? Divide the tasks between members of the group. Set up a timeline. When are you going to meet up to edit your design and evaluate the completed poster? BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

8 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Text Your title should be at least font size 72. Your sub-titles should be at least font size 36 and text should be at least font size 24. Do not over use text – use images or graphics instead. Use bullet points were appropriate. Choose a font style which is easy to read and not fancy. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

9 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Colours Stick to a theme of 2 or 3 colours, no more. Use a light colour background and dark letters for contrast. Very bright colours will attract attention, but may not be easy to read. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

10 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Graphics Diagrams, Tables and Graphs communicate information quickly and easily. Graphics should be kept simple. Use simple 2-D line graphs and bar charts. Use photos and/or clipart but not too many. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

11 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Layout (1) The number of sections you have depends upon your investigation but might include: Title Abstract Introduction Hypothesis Method Results, and treatment and analysis Conclusion and evaluation Acknowledgements and bibliography BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

12 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Layout (2) Use Headings and sub-headings to help your audience locate each section. Use colour, shapes and white space creatively to aid the flow of reading and focus attention. Ensure there is continuity in the poster. See next slides for layout schemes of formal scientific posters. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

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16 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
THE GROUP 4 PROJECT POSTER The previous slides showed pictures of formal, conventional posters, which might be displayed at scientific conferences by those participants who are not speakers, but have research to display. Your Group 4 poster does not have to be so formal or conventional, but it should follow the same rules for content. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

17 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Evaluate your poster Get someone from another group to assess your poster before you stick anything down. Check whether it is easy to know which section follows which. Can you read your poster in 1 to 2 minutes. Commonly posters need the amount of text reducing. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

18 How to present your poster
BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

19 Displaying your poster
Turn up to the room were you will be displaying your poster early. Practice putting up your poster. Decide where each member of your group is going to stand, so the audience can still see you and the poster. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

20 BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015
Presentation Prepare a 5 to 10 minute presentation. All members of your group should have equal roles. Do not read from the poster – common mistake! Guide your audience and add something interesting. Practice your presentation and time it. Prepare an A4 handout of your poster. BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

21 Examples of Scientific Posters....
BSQ Year 12 Group 4 Project June 2015

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