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SPINAL HEALTH AND INJURY PREVENTION Produced by CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Fort McMurray Presented by Joel Wockner B.App.Sci (HMS)

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Presentation on theme: "SPINAL HEALTH AND INJURY PREVENTION Produced by CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Fort McMurray Presented by Joel Wockner B.App.Sci (HMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPINAL HEALTH AND INJURY PREVENTION Produced by CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Fort McMurray Presented by Joel Wockner B.App.Sci (HMS)

2 You will learn about… Common myths about back pain Risks for back pain Anatomy and posture Common types of injuries Prevention - adapted postures, correct lifting/sitting postures Exercise principles Stretching exercises

3 Myth or Fact Arthritis is a disease that often attacks the spine Most back problems happen as a result of one specific incident Degenerative disc disease is a condition that can be cured with proper treatment If you have a ‘slipped disc’ you must have surgery If your back hurts you should rest until the pain goes away Most back pain is caused by heavy lifting Back belts prevent injury

4 PREVENTION = REDUCING KNOWN RISKS So lets take a look at the risks

5 Primary Causes of Back Pain Overexertion Repetition Poor Body Mechanics Whole Body Vibration Decreased levels of flexibility Decreased levels of physical fitness

6 Anatomy

7 Intervertebral Disc Annulus Fibrosis Nucleus

8 Intervertebral Disc BACK FRONT Neutral Forward bending Backward bending

9 Degeneration occurs as we age Our spine “wears out” gradually Discs dehydrate Our bones calcify further: Osteoarthritis Degeneration changes that show on x-ray generally don’t correlate with pain

10 Common Spinal Conditions

11 Review your day from arising to sleeping… How many times do you forward bend vs. backward bend?

12 3300 vs. 7 !!!


14 Body Mechanics: Forces on the Back When you add in the 105 pounds of the average male human upper torso, you see that lifting a 10 pound object actually puts 1150 pounds of pressure on the lower back.

15 The Hidden Load 6 ft tall, 180 lb. FORCE = distance x load = 3 ft. x 90 lb. = 270 ft/lb. Add 10lb lift x 10x force due to reach = 1270 lb !  ——— 3’ ———— 

16 Cumulative Loading in Flexion Disc bulges backwards Muscles can’t contract properly Back muscles are weaker than legs Hanging on ligaments/shearing

17 Safe Lifting Take the time to lift using correct body mechanics USE YOUR LEGS!!!

18 Twice the amount of force goes through the discs in sitting vs. standing

19 Sitting increases disc compression especially when the lumbar curve is not well maintained

20 When we maintain neutral posture… Our spine is aligned and moves smoothly We have less stress applied through our body We will experience less discomfort

21 Test Your Standing Posture Ears over shoulders Shoulders over hips Hips over knees Knees slightly bent and not locked Maintain normal curves in spine

22 BACK Biomechanical Principle B-Wide Base of support A-Aligned hips and shoulders C-Keep the load Close to your body K-Knees and 90 0 (buttocks back)

23 Remember, your spine is on duty 24/7 These principles apply at home, work and play

24 Benefits of Exercise Improves / maintains flexibility Improves / maintains strength Reduces stress Improves attitude

25 Exercise Guidelines Consult family doctor Start out easy Increase gradually Exercise regularly A little pain is OK but should not linger Neck exercises should not cause arm pain Back exercises should not cause leg pain

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