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CERN Alberto Di Meglio Brussels, 3 April 2009 Project Achievements and Consortium Management ETICS 2 Periodic Review.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN Alberto Di Meglio Brussels, 3 April 2009 Project Achievements and Consortium Management ETICS 2 Periodic Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN Alberto Di Meglio Brussels, 3 April 2009 Project Achievements and Consortium Management ETICS 2 Periodic Review

2 INFSO-RI-223782 Content Overall project report, providing an overview of: Review agenda Project structure Project goals Reviewer Recommendations Major achievements Deviations and issues Consortium management 2 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

3 INFSO-RI-223782 Review Agenda 3 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009 09:00 - Welcome 09:15 – Project AchievementsAlberto Di Meglio (CERN) 10:00 – NA2 (Dissemination, Training, QA) Isabel Matranga (ENG) 10:45 – SA1 (Services) Alberto Aimar (CERN) 11:15 – SA2 (Infrastructure support ) Valerio Venturi (INFN) 11:45 – JRA1 (Job management tools) Alain Roy (WISCOSIN) 12:15 – JRA2 (Test management tools) Eva Takacs (4DSOFT) 14:00 – DemosAndras Milassin (4DSOFT) 14:30 – Future plans, conclusionsAlberto Di Meglio (CERN) 14:45 – Q/A session 15:15 – Reviewers Closed Session followed by Feedback Morning Afternoon

4 INFSO-RI-223782 Partners 4 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009


6 INFSO-RI-223782 6 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009 Project Structure Project Technical Committee Project Manager (PM) NA1 NA2 SA1 SA2 Advisory Board Project Management Board JRA1 JRA2

7 INFSO-RI-223782 Project Goals Objective 1 Extension of the ETICS services to new infrastructures Objective 2 Enhancement of the services, federation and customization of resources Objective 3 International collaborations, procedures and standards Objective 4 Commercial exploitation and business strategies 7 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

8 INFSO-RI-223782 Recommendation 1 Work on producing an uninterruptible, fully-operational service, leaving exotic features for a follow up phases, and concentrate in offering users a rewarding experience. Pay emphasis to elements crucial to future commercial viability, such as charging, registration, service level agreements, user feedback processes, etc. ETICS 2 is focusing on making the service as stable and usable as possible Great attention has been paid to improving the user experience both from the functionality point of view and the service provision point of view The identification and definition of requirements for commercial exploitation has been an explicit task of the project within NA2. 8 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

9 INFSO-RI-223782 Recommendation 2 Continue the establishment of stronger collaborations with other projects and to promote the use of the ETICS services by as many projects as possible in the research and industrial sector. Lobby for the inclusion of the ETICS build and test system as a function in EGI. Collaboration with other projects and infrastructures is the major goal of ETICS 2 Created links with new infrastructures such as NorduGrid (KnowARC and interoperability tests), BalticGrid (organization of the Summer School of Computing in July 2009) and See-Grid. ETICS 2 has taken part in several EGI-DS and UMD workshops The ETICS System has been proposed as the underlying software engineering platform for managing UMD 9 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

10 INFSO-RI-223782 Recommendation 3 Work towards the establishment of a Grid Quality Certification Standard and provide a full implementation of the model in follow up collaborations. The implementation of the Grid-QCM model (now called A-QCM or Automated Quality Assurance Model) is an explicit task of the project. Plugins collecting the metrics required by the model have been developed and released with the standard ETICS client. An A-QCM report generator has been designed and is being implemented. A number of external experts have been consulted to get feedback on the model The model will be proposed during the second year to international standardisation bodies like ISO to start the roadmap towards full inclusion in existing or new QA standards 10 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

11 INFSO-RI-223782 Architecture and responsibilities 11 SA2 SA1 JRA1 JRA2 NA2 SA2 NA1 SA2SA1

12 INFSO-RI-223782 Project Achievements Objective 1: Extension to new infrastructures UNICORE built with ETICS Started integration tools for Maven-based projects Job submitter redesigned to support pluggable JMS Condor, gLite and UNICORE submitters designed and implemented Agreement with EGEE on ETICS integration roadmap ETICS VO created as a first step, later on users will use their own VOs Started integration of ARC, implemented interoperability tests between ARC, UNICORE and partially gLite Aerospace applications selected, first build examples implemented 12 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

13 INFSO-RI-223782 Project Achievements Objective 2: Enhancement of services Better infrastructure and release management Extensive use of virtualization Performance improvements in the clients and services Extension of repository service with APT/YUM integration Several other functional enhancement strongly driven by user requirements New SLA and service monitoring tools Prototypes of new plugin manager and test workflow designer 13 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

14 INFSO-RI-223782 Project Achievements Objective 3: International collaborations and standards Grid-QCM  A-QCM First A-QCM Report design, start of implementation All required QA plugins implemented and deployed Strong link with EGI_DS and UMD ETICS proposed as software engineering platform for UMD New collaborations with major middleware providers (UNICORE, KnowARC) on standard compliances and interoperability Collaborations with NorduGrid, BalticGrid, SeeGrid for in technical and dissemination fields (BalticGrid Summer School of Computing) Revision of ETICS process towards existing standards (ITIL v2, ISOxxx) Active participation to European and international events and in eInfrastructure coordination events 14 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

15 INFSO-RI-223782 Project Achievements Objective 4: Exploitation and business strategies Started definition of potential business models SWOT analysis, competitors analysis, identification of unique value proposition Identified the most suitable targets for commercial exploitation Requirements for commercial exploitation collected, prioritized and planned for implementation Defined possible post-ETICS 2 scenarios and collaborations Presentations, demos, discussions have been organized with several commercial companies to explore the possible exploitation scenarios 15 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

16 INFSO-RI-223782 Deviations and Issues Recruitment and retention Several partners have had issues in recruiting and retaining personnel. The problems have affected several partners in the first 6-8 months of operations, mainly in SA1 and SA2 As a consequence delays in some tasks have been experienced Additional effort being recruited in year 2 to compensate 16 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009 Integration of new job submittersPM9PM12 Implementation of A-QCM reportPM9PM15 A-QCM certification of ETICS, gLite and UNICORE PM12PM18 Integration with SourceForge and other reposPM12PM18 Web applications improvements (wizards)PM12PM15

17 INFSO-RI-223782 Deviations and Issues High-load from gLite development Several new requirements Many requirements not well-defined, controversial or scarcely used after being implemented Requirements communicated late and always urgent (ex. SLC4 to SL5 migration) But gLite is a major user who has also greatly contributed to the growth of ETICS, it cannot be ignored Now discussing MoU between EGEE and ETICS ‘Single contact point’ for requirements agreed 17 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

18 INFSO-RI-223782 Deviations and Issues Advisory Board Not established despite the effort put into the task The people contacted either did not wish to assume ‘yet another role’ or requested to be paid as consultants The only person that accepted, left his job soon afterwards Change of strategy Not a permanent Advisory Board, but ‘requests for advice’ to specific experts as needed Works better, people do not feel constrained by a ‘collaboration’ and contribute more willingly Demonstrated with the revision of A-QCM and the planning of the EGEE services deployment roadmap 18 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

19 INFSO-RI-223782 Deliverables and milestones Deliverables (PM1-12) All 24 deliverables submitted DSA2.2 should be moved from Public to Restricted since it contains details about the internal organization of ESOC contractors, which cannot be made public Milestones (PM1-12) 11 milestones achieved 2 milestones delayed 19 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009 MNA2.4Two projects are issued with an A-QCM certificate (gLite, UNICORE) PM12PM18 MSA2.2ETICS has integrated support for new identified services PM12PM15

20 INFSO-RI-223782 Financial status The provisional financial information included in the Periodic Report covering the 1st reporting period shows a total cost of 1,743,991.37€. It represents 92% of the budgeted cost for P1 and 46% of the total budget as per Annex I of the Contract. Internal Cost Claims (Form C) are being submitted by all partners to the Coordinator and from the Coordinator to the Commission. The breakdown of expenses is as follows: Direct Costs: xx% Indirect Costs: xx% Personnel: xx% Travel, subsistence and other costs: xx% 20 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

21 INFSO-RI-223782 PPT tool used to monitor project effort consumption (timesheets) Total of 169 PM equivalent to 14 FTE/year 43 people registered across Europe and USA Consumed Effort Vs. Planned Effort in P1 FundedUnfundedTotal 74.49%85.47%77.43% 21 Effort status ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009 Total effort planned and consumed (P1)

22 INFSO-RI-223782 Summary The project has achieved most of its planned tasks for the first year It has expanded the collaboration with new infrastructures, projects and initiatives It has strengthened the functionality and quality of its services It has positioned itself at the core of the eInfrastructures software development activities with strong ties with EGI and UMD It has developed an initial sustainability strategy with strong focus on potential commercial exploitation Some deviations from the plan have been addressed and plans to recover the delays are available 22 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

23 INFSO-RI-223782 Thanks 23 ETICS 2 Periodic Review - Project Achievements - Brussels, 3 April 2009

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