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This is... ME! Here is your host… Mr. Strong Now here Are the directions.

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Presentation on theme: "This is... ME! Here is your host… Mr. Strong Now here Are the directions."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is... ME!


4 Here is your host… Mr. Strong

5 Now here Are the directions

6 Here are the categories...





11 Self-AdvocacyLAW Acronyms The IEP $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400

12 What is self- awareness?

13 Knowing about yourself

14 Oops… click above to go back

15 What is the definition of self- advocacy? Why is it important?

16 Standing up for yourself

17 Oops… click above to go back

18 What is prejudice?

19 Attitudes or beliefs people have towards other people without facts about those people.

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21 What is a barrier? Give an example

22 Something that holds you back

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24 What are rights? Give an example

25 Things given to you by law Ex: Speech, education

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27 What right does IDEA give you?

28 Right to special education

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30 Who has a legal right to accommodations? Who has a legal right to modifications?

31 1. K-12 and College Students 2. K-12 Students

32 Oops… click above to go back

33 What does Child Find say?

34 K-12 schools are responsible for identifying students with disabilities.

35 Oops… click above to go back

36 I E P

37 Individual Education Plan

38 Oops… click above to go back


40 Individuals (with) DisabilitiesEducationAct

41 Oops… click above to go back


43 Free Appropriate Public Education

44 Oops… click above to go back

45 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $4 $200 $100 $300 $400 Bet how much you are willing to risk


47 Sit up Straight Have a nice Tone Activate your Thinking Relax Eye Contact

48 Oops… click above to go back

49 What is the purpose of an IEP meeting?

50 Answers Vary

51 Oops… click above to go back

52 Where on the IEP do you find specific information about your levels? Goals and Objectives Present Levels of Educational Performance

53 Present Levels of Performance

54 Oops… click above to go back

55 What is not included in your IEP? Goals and Objectives Parent Concerns Your Strengths Student Concerns

56 Student Concerns

57 Oops… click above to go back

58 Define: Accommodation Modification

59 Accommodation: Changes to how you do your work Modification: Changes to what work you do

60 Oops… click above to go back

61 Double Jeopardy

62 YOU!

63 The IEP Meeting

64 LAWS/ History

65 Communication

66 YOU! IEP MeetingLaws/History Communication $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800DoubleJeopardy

67 Oops… click above to go back

68 What is your disability?


70 Oops… click above to go back

71 What are your strengths?


73 Oops… click above to go back

74 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

75 What do your struggle with?


77 Oops… click above to go back

78 Name two accommodations you have in your IEP


80 Oops… click above to go back

81 Name three people who are part of your IEP team.

82 General Ed Teacher Principal Special Education Teacher Parents You

83 Oops… click above to go back

84 What is the meeting called that happens once a year?

85 Annual Review

86 Oops… click above to go back

87 What is the meeting called that happens every three years?

88 Re-evaluation

89 Oops… click above to go back

90 What is the name of the meeting where you were first placed in special ed?

91 Initial

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93 How has war changed the way people view disabilities?


95 Oops… click above to go back

96 What movement helped to establish students with disabilities’ rights?

97 Civil Rights Movement

98 Oops… click above to go back

99 What rights do you have as a student with disabilities?

100 AccommodationsModifications Specialized Instruction Education

101 Oops… click above to go back

102 What are ADA and Section 504?

103 Anti- Discrimination Laws

104 Oops… click above to go back

105 What is verbal communication? Give an example

106 Spoken words

107 Oops… click above to go back

108 What is nonverbal communication? Give an example

109 Body Language

110 Oops… click above to go back

111 Give two examples of good communication


113 Oops… click above to go back

114 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

115 Give two examples of poor communication


117 Oops… click above to go back

118 Final Jeopardy You’ll have 60 seconds

119 Famous People Make your wagers now

120 The ME!

121 What is the purpose of this curriculum? The ME!

122 Now, lets see your answers starting with the last place team…

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