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Ch 31: Sec 3 More Civil Rights. 1968  MLK Jr. is assassinated… Is the Civil Rights Movement over? Affirmative Action Civil Rights Act 1964 = federal.

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1 Ch 31: Sec 3 More Civil Rights

2 1968  MLK Jr. is assassinated… Is the Civil Rights Movement over? Affirmative Action Civil Rights Act 1964 = federal law making all discrimination illegal Minorities still did not have equal access to jobs and education 1965, LBJ = Affirmative Action  companies doing business with the government must “actively recruit” African Americans (later would include other minorities and women) Did affirmative action work? Was it a good thing?

3 Affirmative Action How it can be good… 1973 = Atlanta GA  1 st Af. Am. Mayor Maynard Jackson Af Am pop in ATL = 50%, working on government contracts? Only 1%! Jackson used Affirmative Action to push companies to hire more Af. Ams.  25% employed

4 Affirmative Action How it can be bad… 1969, Nixon = companies “must show” affirmative action…how?? Racial Quotas  Reverse Discrimination? University of California Regent v. Allan Bakke (1978) Allan Bakke = white student, applied to medical school = denied. He finds out that the school had racial quotas, meant that minority students with lower test scores were getting in just because of their race.

5 Maynard Jackson Allan Bakke Protest of the Bakke Case

6 Immigrant Rights

7 Migrant Worker = travels farm-to-farm for work. Key Figures = Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta Organized United Farm Workers 1 st time migrant workers were guaranteed pay for a job!..but it did not come easy. 5 yr Grape Boycott forced farm employers to work with the unions.

8 Ch 31: Sec 4 1960s Environmentalism & Consumerism

9 In the 1960s people started to realize that some consumer products were unsafe and/or wasteful In the 1960s people started to realize that the environment was deteriorating 1960s Environment Rachel Carson = wrote “Silent Spring”  all about how the pesticide DDT was killing all the birds Result = DDT Banned Three Mile Island = Harrisburg PA Nuclear plant leaked radiation! Town had to evacuate. Result = push for stricter plant inspection 1960s Consumerism Ralph Nader = wrote “Unsafe at Any Speed”  by 1990 all cars had to have airbags Andy Warhol = famous POP Artist Pop Art = focused on popular cultural items

10 Andy Warhol’s Pop Art

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