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Employment Labour Market Indicators and the new MDG goals of full and productive employment and decent work for all Lawrence Jeff.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment Labour Market Indicators and the new MDG goals of full and productive employment and decent work for all Lawrence Jeff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment Labour Market Indicators and the new MDG goals of full and productive employment and decent work for all Lawrence Jeff Johnson Chief, Employment Trends International Labour Organisation Geneva, Switzerland

2 Employment The MDG goals World leaders agreed to several important targets at the 2005 World Summit. They recommended the incorporation of these targets into the set used to follow up on the Millennium Declaration, including a new target under MDG1.

3 Employment The MDG goals New MDG 1 Target: To make the goals of full and productive employment and decent work for all, including for women and young people, a central objective of our relevant national and international policies and our national development strategies

4 Employment Employment-to-population ratios for persons aged 15+ and youth (15-24) by sex The share of working poor (US$1.25 a day) in total employment Labour productivity Vulnerable employment What are the new indicators ?

5 Employment Employment-to-population ratio for persons aged 15 + Worldwide, slightly more than 6 persons out of 10 are working The highest ratio is in East Asia (71.4 per cent) Lowest in Middle East and North Africa (around 46 per cent) There is no “correct” employment-to-population ratio

6 Employment Employment-to-population ratio for persons aged 15 +

7 Employment Employment-to-population ratio for youth (15–24)

8 Employment Share of working poor (US$1.25 a day) in total employment Worldwide, over 600 million persons are considered as “working poor” 2 out of every 10 workers are working and earning less than US$ 1.25 a day Over the last 10 years, the ratio has been declining of 15 percentage points

9 Employment Share of working poor (US$1.25 a day) in total employment

10 Employment Share of working poor (US$2 a day) in total employment

11 Employment Labour productivity Over the past 10 years, labour productivity has been increasing in every region But the gap between developed economies and the rest of the world is wider than ever !

12 Employment Labour productivity

13 Employment Vulnerable employment Worldwide, around 1.5 billion vulnerable employed (of which around 900 million women) 5 out of every 10 workers can be considered vulnerably employed 33.9 per cent own-account workers 16.7 per cent contributing family workers Lowest in developed economies (10.1 per cent) Largest reduction over the past ten years: East Asia (- 8.3 percentage points)

14 Employment Global vulnerable employment and vulnerable employment share

15 Employment Vulnerable employment share

16 Employment Conclusion These 4 indicators are powerful tools to analyze the progress made by each country (or region) in promoting full and productive employment and decent work for all

17 Employment New Target 1bis has 3 specific dimensions: Full Employment Productive Employment Decent Employment No Single Labour Market Indicator exists today that would address all three dimensions of the target or meet the specified requirements

18 Employment Informal sector employment Hours of work Part-time workers Employment by sector Status in employment Employment-to-population ratio Labour force participation rate Key Indicators of the Labour Market  Educational attainment and illiteracy  Inactivity rate  Time-related underemployment  Unemployment by educational attainment Long-term unemployment Youth unemployment Unemployment  Poverty and Working Poor  Employment Elasticity  Productivity and unit labour cost  Hourly compensation costs  Occupational wages rates & earnings  Real manufacturing wage indices

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