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PME - Impact Analysis1 Participatory rural appraisal methods.

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Presentation on theme: "PME - Impact Analysis1 Participatory rural appraisal methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 PME - Impact Analysis1 Participatory rural appraisal methods

2 PME - Impact Analysis2 Some organizational implications of participatory approaches

3 PME - Impact Analysis3 Some organizational implications of participatory approaches

4 PME - Impact Analysis4 Some organizational implications of participatory approaches

5 PME - Impact Analysis5 PRA methods for impact analysis

6 PME - Impact Analysis6 PRA methods for impact analysis

7 PME - Impact Analysis7 PRA methods for impact analysis

8 PME - Impact Analysis8 PRA methods for impact analysis

9 PME - Impact Analysis9 Sustained increases in agricultural productivity

10 PME - Impact Analysis10 Decreases in resources degradation

11 PME - Impact Analysis11 Decreases in resources degradation

12 PME - Impact Analysis12 Increase in local resilience and decrease in vulnerability

13 PME - Impact Analysis13 Increase in autonomy and capacity of local groups and organizations

14 PME - Impact Analysis14 Increase in autonomy and capacity of local groups and organizations

15 PME - Impact Analysis15 Replication in non-program sites

16 PME - Impact Analysis16 Changes in the operational procedures and institutional norms of external support agencies and attitudes and behavior of development professionals

17 PME - Impact Analysis17 Changes in the operational procedures and institutional norms of external support agencies and attitudes and behavior of development professionals

18 PME - Impact Analysis18 Indicators for sustainability of watershed management programs Visible indicators: marked and sustained improvement in productivity on fields, especially of small and marginal farmers farmers and people noticing significant improvement in groundwater recharged and the understanding that this improvement is linked to improved management of the watershed surface maintenance of structures (silt traps, gully plugs, stone and earthen bunds) and vegetative barriers marked improvement in resilience of crops to long dry spells

19 PME - Impact Analysis19 Indicators for sustainability of watershed management programs Visible indicators: increased investment for protective irrigation especially through shallow ponds along drainage systems continuous improvement in management and regeneration of all lands in the watershed, including private fallows, and of all types of government and public lands with the multiple objectives of decreasing erosion, managing surface water effectively and increasing biomass for fuel, fodder, fiber, fertilizers and raw materials for cottage industries

20 PME - Impact Analysis20 Indicators for sustainability of watershed management programs Skills and Institutions: adequate skills to construct and maintain all the structures required to control or trap soil and water without external help gradual extension of effective management by the People’s Watershed Associations over all lands in the watershed, including communal lands, private fallow lands and private cultivated lands ability of farmers to finance further treatment of the watershed and the repair of existing structures from their own group credit funds

21 PME - Impact Analysis21 Indicators for sustainability of watershed management programs Skills and Institutions: ability of people’s watershed institutions to resolve conflict among different groups in the watershed, and to respond to the needs of those groups whose interests are affected by watershed treatment. These include those farmers who are cultivating lands on upper reaches or steep slopes but which need to be protected, whose grazing areas are being affected by regeneration measures and the landless who have to cope with new management measures that may obstruct their hitherto free access to watershed resources recognition by external support organizations that the people’s watershed association is in control of all watershed activities and that no plans can be imposed or funds and services provided without its involvement at every stage of the process, from planning through implementation

22 PME - Impact Analysis22 Comparison of the impacts of participatory rural appraisal and the catchment approach in six catchments in Kenya

23 PME - Impact Analysis23 Comparison of the impacts of participatory rural appraisal and the catchment approach in six catchments in Kenya

24 PME - Impact Analysis24 Comparison of the impacts of participatory rural appraisal and the catchment approach in six catchments in Kenya

25 PME - Impact Analysis25 Comparison of the impacts of participatory rural appraisal and the catchment approach in six catchments in Kenya

26 PME - Impact Analysis26 Comparison of the impacts of participatory rural appraisal and the catchment approach in six catchments in Kenya

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