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What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 Ted Barnes Physics Div. ORNL, Dept. of Physics, U.Tenn.

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Presentation on theme: "What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 Ted Barnes Physics Div. ORNL, Dept. of Physics, U.Tenn."— Presentation transcript:


2 What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 What theorists want. Theory and GlueX May 2004 Ted Barnes Physics Div. ORNL, Dept. of Physics, U.Tenn. (mainly representing TB, S.Capstick, S.Godfrey, E.Swanson)

3 Topics: 1. What theorists can do for you. “deliverables” 2. The next generation. 3. What you can do for theorists.

4 1. What theorists can do for you... 1.a. Contributions to collab. meetings: O rganization M ini-reviews of topics of interest and/or r ecent developments in spectroscopy P ANDA@GSI: phys. workshops vs collab. meetings? s pecialities: T B, SG, ES - meson spectroscopy e.g. status of the new X(3872) and D sJ * states; CLEO and BES; LGT (CM); multiquark physics; review new literature on exotics S C - baryon spectroscopy e.g. baryon spectroscopy; missing baryons and HallD; pentaquark status

5 1.b. Detailed “review” studies of relevance to HallD e.g. : nucl-th/0208072 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :abspspdfother Title: Strong Decays of Strange Quarkonia Authors: T.Barnes (1,2), N.Black(2), P.R.Page(3) ((1) Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, (3) Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory) Comments: 69 pages, 5 figures, 39 tables Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D68 (2003) 054014 This study gives all strong decay amplitudes for all strange and ss mesons expected in the quark model to 2.3 GeV. It was done as a contribution to HallD physics. “HallD sponsored studies” like this could be very useful. Our research seminars will then promote HallD.

6 1.c. e.g.s of possible future studies (discussed in Dec.2003): 1.c.1. Simple reference “pole model” cross sections calculations for the photoproduction of light “calibration” mesons, e.g. a 1, a 2, b 1,  2 using L eff one meson exchange in t-channel. e.g. AA and PRP. (Useful for M.C. simulations, 0 th - order physics.) 1.c.2. Photoproduction cross section calculations for N* and  baryon resonances (e.g.  N ->  N*), especially for “missing” states. 1.c.3. Development of algebra programs (MAPLE) to carry out these photoproduction cross section calculations automatically. 1.c.4. Calculation of cross sections for secondary strong decay production of meson resonances from N*s and  s. (N*,   N,  + meson, (nns) + (ns) mesons; 3 P 0 decay model) 1.c.5. “Reference” activities, e.g. database of photoproduction refs, review article on the state of photoproduction, etc.

7 Demographics of hadron spectroscopy theory: a concern for HallD? Theorist g.s. g.s. hadrons pdfs pdfs hadrons TB 1 0 0 0 SC 3 3 0 0 (1 HallD, 2 baryons) SG 0 0 3 3 (pdfs shared) ES 2 2 1 0 Fall 2004 TB 3 1-2 1 1 (increase due to RHIC) SC 3 3 0 0 SG 1-2 1-2 3 3 (pdfs shared) ES 1 1 0? 0? When HallD begins producing results on meson spectroscopy, who will be in the audience? Those we are training today. RHIC and RIA have major programs to support and grow their theory communities. “Voter registration drives.” 2. The next generation of HallD-relevant theorists...

8 3. What you can do for theorists... 3.a. Travel support. T his is why you have seen so little of us lately (and why SC, S G and ES aren’t here now). If you can help here, we will attend collab. meetings when possible (ca. 1-2 / yr / person ). 3.b. Grad student support. B uilding a spectroscopy theory community of HallD enthusiasts is an obvious wise move for this collaboration. A lso, having an active grad student will keep the more senior theorists involved. 3.c. PDF support. I am less enthusiastic about this than my colleagues. P DFs already know how to calculate and ideally could contribute more quickly to HallD work. However they may be more interested in the joys of higher dimensions or disordered chiral condensates than in photoproduction of exotics.


10 1. Introduction This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlines the activities that some members of the Nuclear Theory Group in the Department of Physics at the Florida State University will carry out as part of their participation in R&D for GlueX and the contributions of Jefferson Lab to this effort. The GlueX project is a key component of the future program at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) which involves an increase of the accelerator energy from 6 to 12 GeV and the construction of experimental facilities to exploit the higher energy beams. GlueX will require the construction of a completely new experimental area dedicated to the search for gluonic excitations of mesons produced in photoproduction reactions. The JLab upgrade is one of four major projects in recently given endorsement by the national Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, and a decision is expected from the Department of Energy in the near future that will initiate major funding for design and construction. The GlueX collaboration consists of approximately 80 physicists, including both experimentalists and theorists, from 30 institutions in North America and Europe. Members of the Florida State University nuclear theory group will develop a theoretical description of the photoproduction of mesons, including exotic mesons, based on a quark model description of hadron structure and reactions. S ample Memorandum of Understanding between t he Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and the Florida State University

11 2. Personnel A. The contact person for the Florida State group is Simon Capstick (Associate Professor). Capstick is an expert on baryon resonance structure and reactions and has been working in support of the Hall B experimental program for over a decade. B. The following personnel are included in the Florida State nuclear theory group: PersonPosition % Research Effort Simon CapstickAssociate Professor 25% [to be named]* [post doc] 50% to be recruited*Graduate student 100% to be recruited* Undergraduate student 100% * Subject to the availability of funding. C. [history section deleted as irrelevant] D. In addition to the personnel in the Nuclear Physics group, the GlueX R&D efforts also receive important support from the Physics Department and the University. i) Collaborators in this research include Ted Barnes (ORNL/UTK), Steve Godfrey (Carleton U.), Eric Swanson (U. Pitt), Winston Roberts (JLab/ODU), and Adam Szczepaniak (IU). ii) The scientific computing effort will receive support from FSU via the Department of Physics parallel computer.

12 3. Responsibilities A. Members of the Florida State nuclear theory group will: i) Develop a theoretical formalism for the evaluation of meson photoproduction cross sections, including exotic mesons, based on the quark model formalism of hadron structure and reactions. ii) This will include calculations of the photoproduction cross sections of the “reference” resonances a 1, a 2,  2 and b 1. iii) Subsequent developments will include calculations of crucial three-meson and meson-baryon strong form factors. iv) Algebraic software for the analytic evaluation of photoproduction cross sections, amplitudes and form factors will be developed and provided to the collaboration. B. The GlueX collaboration will i) Assist in g rant applications to the funding agencies for research described in this document. ii) Provide travel support to attend collaboration meetings.

13 4. Funding and Schedule The research described in this MOU will be conducted during the period Jan 2004 to Dec 2008. Up to $2500 p.a. will be provided for travel expenses for Capstick and/or a graduate student to attend collaboration meetings. 5. Special Considerations A. JLab will have the final responsibility for the acceptance of all deliverables and retains the right, in conjunction with the Hall D collaboration management to terminate or renegotiate this MOU if the requirements of specification, schedule and costs cannot be met by members of the Florida State Nuclear Theory Group. B. All items bought or fabricated using JLab funds will remain the property of JLab. C. The continuation of this agreement is dependent on the approval of funds for all parties. D. This agreement (MOU) may be amended as necessary.

14 MOU between JLab and Florida State University Signature Page _______________________________________________________________ Prof. Simon CapstickDate Contact Person Florida State University Nuclear Theory Group _______________________________________________________________ Prof. David van WinkleDate Department Chair Florida State University Physics Department _______________________________________________________________ Dr. Lawrence CardmanDate Associate Director of Physics Jefferson Laboratory. _______________________________________________________________ Prof. Alex DzierbaDate Spokesman Hall D Collaboration. _______________________________________________________________ Dr. Elton SmithDate Hall D Group Leader Jefferson Laboratory _______________________________________________________________ Donald FossDate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Florida State University _______________________________________________________________ [ ] Office of Sponsored Research Director Date Florida State University

15 Possible topics for discussion: 1. Theorists’ roles in GlueX? @ Collab. Meetings: Organization, Presentations? Research / Reviews / Publications / Phys_Progs.f (.c,.m) 2. Theory Funding? Travel / Building our Community (gss/pdfs) Who decides and how? Theory MOUs?

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