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Bell Ringer What is the intended humor for this cartoon? (What is the “math” part of it that makes it funny?)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What is the intended humor for this cartoon? (What is the “math” part of it that makes it funny?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What is the intended humor for this cartoon? (What is the “math” part of it that makes it funny?)

2 The Rational Number System
How do you apply properties and order of operations to algebraically add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers? MACC.7.NS.1.1 MACC.7.NS.1.2 MACC.7.NS.1.3

3 How do these number systems relate?
What do they each include?

4 The Rational Number System
A rational number is a number that can be written as a ratio. A fraction is a rational number with a numerator (number on top) that is an integer and a denominator (number on bottom) that is an integer other than 0. Are these numbers rational: 6? 2/5? 0.25? Can you think of any numbers that are NOT rational?

5 Comparing Rational Numbers
How can we put rational numbers in order or compare them? If written as fractions, make them have a common denominator. Visually, place them on a number line.

6 Number Line-Up Complete both number lines as directed and write an explanation for your answer in complete thoughts. Pair up and share your answer and explanation. You and your “elbow partner” may not agree—find out why. See if one of you can persuade the other to change his/her mind. Now, compare your answers with mine. If you have a question at this point, please raise your hand and I will come to your desk to clarify.

7 PEMDAS or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Order of Operations Before we can add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers, we need a brief review and practice of the order of operations. What acronym or pneumonic do we use to remember the correct order? PEMDAS or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally What do each of those letters stand for? P—parentheses E—exponents M/D—Multiplication or Division (left to right) A/S—Addition or Subtraction (left to right)

8 Practice Problems 2+(8 • (6+2)2)-3 (72+(14÷7+32))+32 13+(3 •(11-4)2)+4
(18÷3)2+((16-6) • 22) ((14-6)+(8÷4)2)+32 ((11-2)2+6)+6+32 ((9-5)-(20÷10)2) • 62 (20÷5)2+((12+5) • 42) ((6+3)2+2)-4+82 (42+(20÷5+22))+42

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