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2014: Fine Tuning The Fumigant System Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia Tifton Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "2014: Fine Tuning The Fumigant System Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia Tifton Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014: Fine Tuning The Fumigant System Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia Tifton Campus

2 Potential MB Fumigant Alternatives 1.UGA 3-WAY 2.Paladin Pic 3.Trifecta 4.Pic Chlor 60

3 Production Goal 3 to 6 Crops 1 or 2 Crops FUMIGANT OPTIONS

4 Fumigant Research 2013 and 2014 Distance between sites: 67 miles

5 Potential MB Fumigant Alternatives 1.UGA 3-WAY 2.Paladin Pic 3.Trifecta 4.Pic Chlor 60

6 UGA 3-WAY Telone/Pic/Metam Metam = 4 in. (75 G) Chloropicrin = 8 in. (150 lb) Telone II = 12 in. (12 G) Ideal Placement Metam = 4 in. (75 G) Pic Chlor 60 = 8 in. (21 G) More Common Applicators used to inject metam 4” deep and 4” apart in the final bed

7 Nutsedge response to the 3-WAY. Tift Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Fall soil temp 84. (Veg 43-13) LDPEVIFTIF 91 b 89 b 99 a % 160 plant/A 464 plant/A494 plant/A 82,460 plant/A check

8 Nutsedge response to the 3-WAY. Echols Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Spring soil temp 64. (Veg 13-13) LDPEVIFTIF 85 b 65 c 97 a % 290 plant/A 6960 plant/A37,265 plant/A 319,250 plant/A check

9 3-WAY; LDPECheck UGA 3-WAY. Fall 2013. Tift Co.

10 3-WAY; TIFCheck UGA 3-WAY. Fall 2013. Tift Co.

11 UGA 3-WAY GA/FL Line (sands) Light to Severe: UGA 3-WAY TIF Herbicide NOT Required (would still suggest Dual Topical for pepper) Rates Driven By Nutsedge Populations

12 UGA 3-WAY Herbicide NOT Required (would still suggest Dual Topical) Rates Driven By Nutsedge Populations FALL: South GA (loamy sands) Light : 3-WAY LDPE Moderate to Severe: 3-WAY TIF SPRING: South GA (loamy sands) Light to Moderate: 3-WAY LDPE Severe: 3-WAY TIF

13 Pic Chlor 60 1.UGA 3-WAY 2.Paladin Pic 3.Trifecta 4.Pic Chlor 60

14 Nutsedge response to the Pic Chlor 60. Tift Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Spring soil temp 58F. (Veg 14-13) VIFTIF 83 b 61 b 95 a % 1740 plant/A 9425 plant/A23,925 plant/A 36,685 plant/A check 82 b 11,890 plant/A 21 GPA 28 GPA21 GPA 28 GPA

15 Nutsedge response to the Pic Chlor 60. Echols Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Spring soil temp 64. (Veg 13-13) 18 b 84 a % 29,870 plant/A248,820 plant/A 28 GPA VIF 28 GPA TIF 319,250 plant/A check

16 Pic Chlor 60 Light to Moderate: 28 G (340 lb) TIF Moderate to Severe: 28 GPA TIF Herbicide System Required Rates Driven By Nutsedge

17 Palmer Amaranth Control With Pic Chlor 60. Tift Co., 2013. Plus Dual Mag 12 oz/ANo Herbicide


19 Nutsedge response to the fumigants. Echols Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Spring soil temp 64. (Veg 13-13) UGA 3-WAY TIF MB 67:33 240 LB TIF 84 b 95 a % 290 plant/A308 plant/A 319,250 plant/A check 97 a PIC CHLOR 60 TIF 6380 plant/A

20 Potential MB Fumigant Alternatives 1.UGA 3-WAY 2.Paladin Pic 3.Trifecta 4.Pic Chlor 60

21 Paladin Pic Light to Moderate: 40-45 GPA TIF Moderate to Severe: 50 GPA TIF Herbicide System Required Rates Driven By Nutsedge

22 Paladin Pic Light Populations: 40 GPA TIF Moderate to Severe: 50 GPA TIF Herbicide System Required BE CAREFUL FOR ODOR MANAGEMENT

23 Trifecta 1.UGA 3-WAY 2.Paladin Pic 3.Trifecta 4.Pic Chlor 60

24 Trifecta Light to Moderate: 350-375 LB/A TIF Moderate to Severe: 375-400 LB/A TIF Herbicide System Required Rates Driven By Nutsedge Populations

25 Trifecta Light Populations: 40 GPA TIF Moderate to Severe: 50 GPA TIF Herbicide System Required BE CAREFUL FOR ODOR MANAGEMENT


27 Systems for 2015. Tift Co., 2013. Plots were 1 bed by 150 feet. Spring soil temp 64. (Veg 42-13) Paladin Pic 40 G 3-WAY TIF System A 85 b 72 c 99.9 a % 40 P/A35 P/A1470 P/A 32,318 plant/A check 94 ab Trifecta 350 lb 83 P/A System B 99.9 a 380 P/A

28 System ACheck

29 New Systems Potential BENEFITS: Outstanding pest control. Equal cost or slightly lower??? Reduced buffer restrictions. Far more consistent. No herbicide under mulch. Lower odor concerns.

30 New Systems Potential NEGATIVES: 2 or 3 fumigants; 2 application points Shank inject 4 inches on bed top Slower application than Trifecta, Pic Chlor Plant back interval longer

31 2014 Fumigant System Effectiveness 1. UGA 3-WAY TIF 2. Paladin Pic >= Trifecta TIF 3. 3-WAY (Spring) LDPE (not GA/FL line) 4. Pic Chlor 60 at 28 GPA TIF

32 2014 Fumigant System Effectiveness 1. UGA 3-WAY TIF 2. Paladin Pic >= Trifecta TIF 3. 3-WAY (Spring) LDPE (not GA/FL line) 4. Pic Chlor 60 at 28 GPA TIF

33 2015 Fumigant System Effectiveness 1. System A 2. System B 3. System C 4. UGA 3-WAY TIF 5. Paladin Pic >= Trifecta TIF 6. 3-WAY (Spring) LDPE (not GA/FL line) 7. Pic Chlor 60 at 28 GPA TIF

34 2015 Fumigant System Effectiveness 1. System A 2. System B 3. System C 4. UGA 3-WAY TIF 5. Paladin Pic >= Trifecta TIF 6. 3-WAY (Spring) LDPE (not GA/FL line) 7. Pic Chlor 60 at 28 GPA TIF COST VS CONTROL??


36 Factors Influencing Rate/Control FUMIGANTRATEFUMIGANTRATE 1. 1. Higher populations of nutsedge 2. Warmer soil temperatures 3. Low moisture conditions (not wet either) 4. Soft bed (compaction)—double press?? 5. Lighter texture the soil

37 Factors Influencing Rate/Control FUMIGANTRATEFUMIGANTRATE 1. 1. Higher populations of nutsedge 2. Warmer soil temperatures 3. Low moisture conditions (not wet either) 4. Soft bed (compaction) 5. Lighter texture the soil INFLUENCE CONCENTRATION OVER TIME

38 Factors Influencing Rate/Control FUMIGANTRATEFUMIGANTRATE 1. 1. Higher populations of nutsedge 2. Warmer soil temperatures 3. Low moisture conditions (not wet either) 4. Soft bed (compaction) 5. Lighter texture the soil We can influence quite quickly if willing!!!!

39 Managing Nutsedge YEAR ROUND 1. Row middles with Sandea 2. Spray as soon as crop done:

40 Roundup 2 qt/A fb 2 qt/A 10 days later! Then treat as needed.

41 Amount of Sandea remaining on plastic mulch. TyTy GA, 2005. percent days Grey, Culpepper

42 Managing Nutsedge YEAR ROUND 1. Row middles with Sandea 2. Spray as soon as crop done: 3. When mulch is out of field:


44 Questions or Comments? Continued Thanks: William UpChurch and Perry Fuller

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