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2 RSLC MISSION Conduct the 33 day Reconnaissance and Surveillance Leaders Course to further develop leadership and combat arms related functional skills, of officers and soldiers eligible for assignment to units whose primary mission is to conduct Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Target Acquisition, and Damage Assessment.

3 CHAIN OF COMMAND Brigade Commander: COL Chinn
Brigade CSM: CSM Greenway Battalion Commander: LTC McKenrick Battalion CSM: CSM Kirkover Company Commander: CPT Flesch Company 1SG: 1SG Irwin

4 PREREQUISITES Be in or assigned to a LRS, SOF, scout, or
reconnaissance unit Ranger school physical within last 18 months and eye surgery waiver Recommended: Ranger, Special Forces or USMC Recon qualified Recommended E-5 or above Recommended Airborne qualified

5 COURSE SUMMARY Communications Vehicle/Equipment ID Intelligence
Operational techniques Planning area operations STX (non graded) FTX (graded) Administrative Other Academic Requirements Physical Training 32.5 Hrs 35.0 Hrs 21.0 Hrs 71.0 Hrs 56.0 Hrs 100.5 Hrs 148.0 Hrs 7.5 Hrs 33.5 Hrs 12.0 Hrs

6 RSLC POI/ RC PHASE 1 MON DAY-1 TUE DAY-2 APFT Commo equip Antenna const. Commo review WED DAY-3 THUR DAY-4 FRI DAY-5 SAT DAY-6 SUN DAY-7 Veh/Equip ID Inprocess / med. Crs overview R&S org Intro to Commo Radio Wave Antenna theory Comm proc/EWF Commo equip Commo (W) Commo (PE) Land Nav (W) Land Nav (PE) (0330) Land Nav (W)Review Refit PT (3mi std) Land Nav (W) re-test ABN Ops (P-HR 1600) Commo re-test Review Commex APFT re-test Commo (W)(PE) re-test Veh/Equip ID COMMO VEH ID MON DAY-8 TUE DAY-9 WED DAY-10 THUR DAY-11 FRI DAY-12 SAT DAY-13 SUN DAY-14 PT (5 mi FM) Veh/Equip ID PT (5 mi run) Battle drills w/ (PE) Cache w/ (PE) W/commex PT(7 mi FM) Recon Class Infil/Exfil Class SPIES/FRIES PT (battle focus) Veh ID /Exam Land Nav (PE) re-test (1700) PT (battle foc.) Hide/Surv w/ (PE) E&R class VID review & re-test (0700) Recon Class Recon PE (MOUT) OPFOR TTP Org of G2 MPF/Imagery Debriefing SASO Symbology IPB Intel Review generally talk through the first phase of the course OP TECH’S MON DAY-15 E&R (PE) Intel review & re-test Refit TUE DAY-16 WED DAY-17 WED DAY-17 1) Commo (w) 2) Land Nav (w) 3) Veh ID (w) 4) Intel (w) 5) Land Nav (PE) 6) Commo (PE) 7) APFT Intel Exam Track/Cntr-track Survival & (PE) E&R PE (2200) PT ( 8 mi run) Target Acq. Damage Asses/ OBJ sketch END of PHASE 1 RC Out-processing Accomplished OP TECH’S

7 RSLC POI / RC PHASE 2 WED DAY-17 THUR DAY-18 FRI DAY-19 SAT DAY-20 SUN DAY-21 PT (TM comp) Planning area OPS Issue OPORD (Cadre led) STX planning (Cadre led) Plannex (Cadre led) Briefback Issue STX OPORD (Cadre asst.) PHASE 2 RC Arrive APFT In-process EXTENDED PLANNEX NORM PLN MON DAY- 22 TUE DAY- 23 WED DAY- 24 THUR DAY- 25 FRI DAY- 26 SAT DAY- 27 SUN DAY- 28 STX planning (Cadre asst.) STX Briefback (Cadre asst) ABN OPS Lee DZ (P-HR 1800) STX (Cadre asst) Veh Extract Debrief/ Recovery FTX Planning (graded) Issue FTX OPORD STX (Cadre asst) Surv Hide site - selection - occupation FTX planning (graded FRIES Insert (TOT 1800) Eyes on NAI Surveillance NORMAL PLN COMPRESSED PLN CADRE ASST. STX generally talk through the second phase of the course explain the building block concept of cadre led, assisted and evaluation explain the different planning timelines and the FTX missions GRADED PLANNING FTX MON DAY- 29 TUE DAY- 30 WED DAY- 31 THUR DAY- 32 FRI DAY- 33 FTX (graded) Zone Recon Field planning Mvmt 2nd NAI FTX (graded) Cache Recovery Target Acq. Eyes off/Mvt FTX (graded) SPIES Extract Debrief/Rec. Grad Reh Out-process Graduation FTX - recovery - refit End of course critique GRADED FTX

APFT (60% in age group) APFT AWARD Land navigation (written/PE) LN AWARD Communication (written/PE) Vehicle/equipment ID exam Intelligence exam 50% of graded leader position during the FTX All written and hands-on exams (Written exam scores below 70%, student subject to a Board) Receive no more than 3-major minus spot reports ******************HONOR GRAD*****************

9 OVERVIEW Professional course/conduct Wear your rank/Student status
Student-Cadre relationship (ask questions) Follow instructions/training schedule: right place, time, uniform/equipment Commander’s Open Door policy (use CoC) Class supplies No POWs POV Parking

10 OVERVIEW Security: keys/billets/equipment/Rabel Hall
Maintenance (work orders) Chow hall/seating Stay away from Ranger studs/mission focused Tobacco usage On/Off Post conduct (“big boy rules”) Class Store (honor system) Boots with heal mandatory for FRIES

11 OVERVIEW Gym usage Haircuts/uniforms (set the example)
Teamwork (team integrity) Sickcall (class 1SG/status) Graded positions Class Plaque Graduation (1330hrs) & departure times



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