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Calendar, organization, major issues Van Hamme Gilles IGEAT-ULB Internal Meeting May.

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Presentation on theme: "Calendar, organization, major issues Van Hamme Gilles IGEAT-ULB Internal Meeting May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calendar, organization, major issues Van Hamme Gilles IGEAT-ULB Internal Meeting May

2 2/25 Calendar (1): major deadlines 1.Inception report is due for 31 august 2010 2.Interim report is due for 28 February 2011 3. Draft final for 28 February 2012 4. Final report 30 june 2012 July – December 2012 : dissemination Important remark : draft final is nearly the final report: no new analyses between draft and final report.

3 3/25 Calendar (2): internal and external meetings 1.After inception report, towards interim report (during october) Date to decide today 2. After interim report in two parts (april-may 2011): - with CU and sounding board - Internal meeting 3. Second semester 2011: toward draft final report Outside Brussels? 4. After draft final with CU and sounding board (april-may 2012) Other meetings may be decided if necessary ESPON meeting June 9-10 i n Alcala de Henares November 2010: in Liege Belgium June 2011: Hungary December 2011: Poland

4 4/25 Questions raised by the Coordination Unit of ESPON 1.Number of hours for the Bulgarian team 2.5 Case studies are due (to be decided for inception report) -Possibility to include car industry in the value chain analysis -Case studies for migrations (2) -Port cities… (1) -A mega? -Networks of excellence? 3. Dissemination (to be fixed for inception report) Includes : reports, articles…. Workshops Website

5 5/25 Dissemination 1) Three thematic workshops with expert of major international institutions (in the course of 2011 after interim report): -territorial and urban structures (OECD, World Bank); -the position of European territories in the international division of labour and the impact of Globalization on these territories (OECD); -cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world in the perspective of regionalism (World Bank, UNESCO). 2) A project web site will be created which provides a general overview of the project and contact information.

6 6/25 Major issue for internal organization - the role of Reading and IGEAT regarding WP2.2.2. - the role of JIBS and BAS regarding Commodity chain analysis - cooperation with the “technological project” of ESPON (Capello). - WP4? Support for the French team - the role of the French and British team concerning financial flows.

7 7/25 Inception report Main objective : -a more detailed overview on the research approach to be applied, the methodology and hypothesis for further investigation -No result is expected Under 20 page maximum, it gives: -more detailed deliveries and outputs envisaged by the project, including the case studies envisaged -Precise calendar with the meetings -How previous and current ESPON projects will be considered.

8 8/25 For the inception report (deadline = 23th august) 1.A short synthesis (3-4 pages building on the answer to the call) with: - Main messages from the literature - objectives - Methodologies/approach - Workplan until the end of the project - Deliveries (including ptential case studies) 2. Working paper literature review on (scientific and grey literature): P2 : European cities in global networks P3: existing divisions of the world - Cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world P4: Europe and its regions in migratory flows P5: Europe and its regions in knowledge flows P6: Commodity chain analysis and how to assess the position of European regions

9 9/25 Who’s doing what ? Modus operandi: deadline 2, 23th : Responsible of sub-wp, provide to the coordinator (3-4 pages per WP) 29th october: Working paper if any

10 10/25 Towards the interim report Interim report should provide first results -Each team applies its workplan….

11 11/25 Next meeting(s)? November: next internal meeting….

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