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Technology, my… ART! Presented by Shannon Finley.

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2 Technology, my… ART! Presented by Shannon Finley

3 Encouraging Students to Make Their Mark The Dot By Peter Reynolds

4 Fostering a “Can-Do” Attitude Excitement is generated by tapping into students’ interest in technology. Students are engaged in the creative process and are able to “show what they know.” By giving the students another tool for creating art, the use of technology becomes a natural addition to their art box! –This is a generation of children that has not known a time without video games. –Paints, crayons, markers, mouse…

5 A Level Playing Field for… the student who doesn’t think they can –Technology empowers students who believe the myth that they cannot draw a straight line with a ruler. students with special needs –Students that have special needs are able to create a drawing when traditional tools are difficult to manipulate.

6 Learning Without Limits Cross curricular connections become innate when technology and other subjects such as history are integrated into art. Fablevision Animation-ish activites/fa/shop.detail/productid/2542 activites/fa/shop.detail/productid/2542 Other –

7 Putting it into Practice Some Ways I Engage My Students: Teaching at a Title 1 School has it’s advantages, my art room is filled with 21st century tools to give my students the chance to research and create. We use flip cameras for artists interviews, the interactive whiteboard to draw, manipulate, and animate. The document camera is used to look at artwork closely and to demo art processes. We even use the ActivExpressions to do formative assessments. My students come to art with excitement about learning and creating. They know the art room is a safe place to express their creativity. I feel it’s my job to nurture their creative curiosity and love of learning.

8 Important Links and Information *Want a discount on your FableVision purchase?! -Use the code FabFall20 to get 20% off and please follow the directions on the next slide. I would appreciate it very much.

9 Follow this link for Fable Vision Catalog Promo Code Info for Checkout Please enter AMBFINL in the “message to the shipper” section after you enter the discount code. THANK YOU!!!!!

10 Please take a moment and fill out the survey for this session. Thank you for attending!!

11 I would like to thank FableVision Learning and iPevo for their support !!

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