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Rick Wair’s Begin Here FACILITIES - 2000 Condition of the Facilities Capacity of the Facilities Changing Educational Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Rick Wair’s Begin Here FACILITIES - 2000 Condition of the Facilities Capacity of the Facilities Changing Educational Needs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rick Wair’s Begin Here

3 FACILITIES - 2000 Condition of the Facilities Capacity of the Facilities Changing Educational Needs

4 STATE ASSISTANCE AND BOARD COMMITTEE Ohio School Facilities Commission Board of Education Committee

5 COMMITTEE WORK Fact Finding and Data Gathering Create Public Forms Expert Input School Visits

6 COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Subcommittees Early Childhood/Grade Configuration School Size/Sites Renovate/Replace

7 FORUMS AND RECOMMENDATION Two Forums Recommendations – Maintaining one high school using renovation and replacement – Moving from three middle schools to two (both new) – Moving from ten elementary schools to seven using renovation and replacement (with a possible move to fewer in the future)

8 Jan Soeder’s Slides Begin Here


10 Harrison


12 Hayes


14 Harding


16 Garfield


18 PHASE II – FACILITIES PLAN Renovate Emerson and Horace Mann Middle Schools into elementary schools Renovate the west wing of Lakewood High School


20 IMPROVED CONDITIONS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Maintained neighborhood schools Increased size of classrooms Installed advanced technology Built specialized spaces for science, music, etc. Provided space for preschool and extended day kindergarten Consolidated students to eliminate split classes Created more program equity among middle schools

21 Rick Berdine’s Slides Begin Here


23 OSFC FACILITIES PLAN UPDATE One High School Two Middle Schools Six Elementary Schools

24 OSFC Funding of $46.8 million available if Facilities Plan is completed Phase III will be funded by OSFC and local share Phase III bond issue amounts and millage will be determined by ultimate cost of construction for number of buildings decided by the committee and as approved by the Board of Education OSFC FACILITIES PLAN UPDATE



27 Dr. Don Dyck Consultant Planning Advocates Inc.

28 PLANNING ADVOCATES Focus: futures forecasting, educational programming, facility planning, consensus building Consulting services based on field experience and successful practice Our consensus-building process is specific: – Relies on listening, dialogue, consensus-building – Honors both community and school interests – Capitalizes on skilled facilitation – Proposes best alternative(s) “owned” by community members

29 COMMITTEE PURPOSE Develop consensus and commitment to an updated plan for Lakewood school facilities - not to enforce our preconceived notions of a personal solution

30 APPROACH Authentic, inclusive community and school participation Pertinent, credible data Skillful facilitation: consultant, Phase 3 Committee members Consensus-based progression Program-driven within practical parameters— financial capacity and prudent implementation of long range facilities vision

31 BUILDING CONSENSUS Requires framing a proposal after listening carefully to credible data and others’ concerns Expectation is that no one will ask anyone else to undermine his/her community interests Responsibility of everyone is to come to consensus conclusions for educating future students

32 FACILITATING CONSENSUS Engages all members in a useful dialogue that contributes to consensus Includes the participation of all members in reaching the consensus Seeks nearly unanimous commitment concerning the consensus statement

33 PROCESS Analyze critical information and identify essential issues for community dialogue Forum I—Confirm priority issues underlying changes, programs, facilities and costs Identify viable options based on community consensus priorities Forum II—Establish community consensus options for resolving priority issues Proposal with rationale

34 FACILITATED COMMUNITY FORUM I Open forum context Present vision and critical planning data Dialogue stakeholders on important issues Dialogue within small facilitated groups Purpose: awareness, understanding, common ground, consensus on issues

35 ASSESSING VIABLE OPTIONS Based on vision and critical planning data Grounded in consensus forum results; NOT just the majority of all responses Results from consensus building among the committee members Leads to proposed alternative future options Strategic in nature

36 FACILITATED COMMUNITY FORUM II Same open forum context Present vision and alternative future options Facilitate small groups re: options Report consensus of small groups Purpose: seek large group consensus for preferred alternative(s)

37 RESULTS Baseline data analyzed Significant community involvement: Phase 3 Committee and community-at-large at forums Consensus on critical issues and preferred alternative(s) to resolve the issue(s) Skilled facilitation, dialogue and civility— Trust the Process Lakewood facilities plan proposal: program- driven within established parameters

38 SMALL GROUP-LARGE GROUP Issue: need outpaces capacity or expectation Table discussion: – Facilitator – Recorder/reporter (can be same as facilitator) – Issues facing Lakewood regarding long range facilities plan and available resources Large group “report out” of top 3 issues

39 COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION Communications – Recruit and promote attendance at forums – Coordinate logistics/materials Data – Salient information summary (handout) – Forum presentations Dialogue – Discussion guide (survey and response) – Small group/large group reporting

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